Hi there
I am new to the forum but have looked around quite a bit and it looks like a great place to get some advice. My problem is slightly long winded but I would appreciate any advice on further steps I should take.
Just over a year ago I started a small business that would create yardage books for golf courses. For the non golfers a yardage book is basically a map of a whole golf course, with a graphic of a hole on each page describing the distances and how it should be played.
At the outset I sent a proposal to a few golf courses which stated that they wouldn't have to pay anything for the booklets as I would sell advertising to cover the costs. One golf course got back to me and after a meeting where I showed them example graphics and an example booklet it was decided that they would give me the time on the course with a golf cart to get the necessary pictures to create the booklet.
After getting most of the graphic work done I found it incredibly difficult to sell advertising, even with offering delayed payment. The only thing holding me back from going to print was the finance for it. I contacted the golf course with the proposal that I pay for the printing at the outset and the golf course sell the book at R20 and once they reordered they would pay me R15 of that money. My problem is that I confirmed this over the telephone.
Once the booklet was printed and I delivered it to the course I got a call saying that the general manager was not happy with the booklet and "wouldn't give it away if it was free". And that the person that gave me the 'go ahead' was not authorised to do so even though this was the person I had been dealing with the entire time. This shocked me as it was in the same standard as the original pictures I had showed them.
After a few weeks of arguing about it I agreed to change what they didn't like and reprint the booklet at my own cost ( My logic was to keep them as a client). They agreed and I made some changes only to find midway that the new committee of the course had decided against having the booklet altogether. So now they have decided even if I make changes they do not want the yardage book.
My question is what further action I can take? I have spent a great deal of time and money on developing the yardage book under the assumption that they would take it. I thought about staging some sort of rebellion and handing it out to members for free anyway and possibly effecting a demand for it. There is one paid for advertisement in the booklet who luckily for me has not asked for a refund.
Should I be thinking about Legal action or am I a victim of a poorly planned business and out of pocket?
I hope I have not left anything out.
I appreciate anyone that has read this and thank you in advance for any replies..
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