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Thread: Help with Share Trading

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Help with Share Trading

    Hi Guys.

    I finally sold my company, and for now I would like to put the proceeds I got into Shares. I was thinking perhaps for the medium term, say 5 years or so.

    I am fairly new to shares, I understand the ratios and all the nitty gritty stuff in theory, but never really applied it to practice.

    I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with share trading. Basically I am looking for opinions on what a good basket of shares are.

    I am busy looking for shares with a Dividend Yield between 2% and 4%. I know you get higher ones, but usually the higher DY shares are also riskier hence the reason for the high DY. I am possibly looking at bluechip companies.

    I don't want to use all my money on one company though, want to split between perhaps 3 or 4 of them.

    So guys, any ideas on what are good shares to buy into, that have a fairly decent DY, and something that will appreciate fairly well over the next 5 years.

    Is now a good time to buy shares ... I know a year ago was a brilliant time, but looking forward, is it a good time, and remember looking forward means I will only be looking to sell at 5 years, unless necessary before then.

    I will also slowly top up the shares as I go along.


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  2. #2
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    If you're looking at passive ( vs active ) investing where you going to put it in and sit back and forget about it for a while, I would suggest you look into the SAITRIX 40 ETF. It consists of portions of the top 40 companies on the JSE.

    If you want to go the active investor route, look for some technical analysis (charting) software that you can track in a daily basis. An added benefit would be a 'scan' facility that allows you to set criteria and look through the market for matching companies.

    I do have such software available ( ). As a TFSA member, you'll welcome to the software free ( install file download about 70 Mb ), but it does have a 159pm subscription for the daily updates ( we have to pay the JSE license fees and royalties per end user ).

    pm me if you interested.
    Watching the ships passing by.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveob View Post
    If you're looking at passive ( vs active ) investing where you going to put it in and sit back and forget about it for a while, I would suggest you look into the SAITRIX 40 ETF. It consists of portions of the top 40 companies on the JSE.

    If you want to go the active investor route, look for some technical analysis (charting) software that you can track in a daily basis. An added benefit would be a 'scan' facility that allows you to set criteria and look through the market for matching companies.

    I do have such software available ( ). As a TFSA member, you'll welcome to the software free ( install file download about 70 Mb ), but it does have a 159pm subscription for the daily updates ( we have to pay the JSE license fees and royalties per end user ).

    pm me if you interested.
    Thats cool, thanks.

    I'm looking at monitoring the shares every couple of days / weeks ... so I'm not buying into it for daily speculation.

    Is now a good time to buy in, because looking at historic data, I see the all share and top 40 are roughly back where they were 2 - 3 years ago, where last year this time was a brilliant time to buy.

    Do you think we will have another slope again that will take us back to a position similar to march 09, perhaps due to the upcoming eskom tariff's, and probably increased inflation?

    I was thinking about purchasing shares in 3 or 4 bluechip or fairly stable shares and creating that as my portfolio instead of going directly into the Top 40. The other thing is I want to invest in co's paying a 2 - 4% DY, whereas I don't think you get Dividends by buying into SAITRIX Top 40 right?

    Will take a look at your software a little later ... how does it work exactly, is it like charts and stuff?


    If you need any Accounting, Tax or even Financial Management advice, PM me and I'll try help and keep your information confidential.

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  4. #4
    Bronze Member
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    I have just had a discussion this morning with someone representing or offering Mobi Trade and Share Tracking.

    For a fee these people offer you the facility of software and support to train you to trade on the JSE. They provide a full package of recommendations on when to buy and when to sell and in the process getting some 80% return on your investment. For a small monthly fee you would get all of this, but you have to buy into the system and they say that this amount is guaranteed that if you are not be satisfied with their system after a year they will refund you on condition that you have followed their guidelines.

    You may start trading as soon as you want but they provide you with a simulation package for training purposes.

    They advertise heavily in the quarterly booklet of the JSE.

    Perhaps someone has already used the package and give us more insight into what they do.

  5. #5
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Without sounding biased, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your research on any promises that any 'system' gives.

    A few google search results :
    Watching the ships passing by.

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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