Hi Guys.
I finally sold my company, and for now I would like to put the proceeds I got into Shares. I was thinking perhaps for the medium term, say 5 years or so.
I am fairly new to shares, I understand the ratios and all the nitty gritty stuff in theory, but never really applied it to practice.
I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with share trading. Basically I am looking for opinions on what a good basket of shares are.
I am busy looking for shares with a Dividend Yield between 2% and 4%. I know you get higher ones, but usually the higher DY shares are also riskier hence the reason for the high DY. I am possibly looking at bluechip companies.
I don't want to use all my money on one company though, want to split between perhaps 3 or 4 of them.
So guys, any ideas on what are good shares to buy into, that have a fairly decent DY, and something that will appreciate fairly well over the next 5 years.
Is now a good time to buy shares ... I know a year ago was a brilliant time, but looking forward, is it a good time, and remember looking forward means I will only be looking to sell at 5 years, unless necessary before then.
I will also slowly top up the shares as I go along.
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