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Thread: Die ou Suid Afrika op Facebook

  1. #1
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    Die ou Suid Afrika op Facebook

    Let's change the topic a bit, these bloody spammers .

    Lately I have seen a new group emerging on Facebook, the VVK . Here's an article in the beeld about it .

    I support them, what do you guys think about it.

    (This post is probably in the wrong category)


  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmarais View Post
    (This post is probably in the wrong category)
    Moved - possibly still in the wrong category

    My comment - it's a pity people feel the need for a Volkstaat in a country which is supposed to cater for and celebrate its diverse cultural heritage.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Here is a little brain teaser for you it is called equality. That is what I want plain and simple. I want to be able to be eligible for a good job because I am qualified. I want a working government perhaps running water and if it is not completely impossible electricity.

    I want safety, working hospitals... but right now I can understand their point of view however that was then this is now... I want to live and be able to give back to the community and enjoy life we only get 1 you know... so what I want is life! Well so much for that daydream.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Chatmaster's Avatar
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    When you dive around in the history of the Afrikaner this is exactly why the original settlers came to SA. They wanted to govern their own country.

    When studying the history of SA you also realize just how unfair the whole BEE thing is, how unjust the claims of HF Verwoerd being the father of apartheid and many other lies that are being told as the truth.

    But imo the Afrikaner should move on as the time for a Volkstaat is long over. South Africa need clever political strategies and the appreciation for what the ancestors of the Afrikaner has died for in this country. Just as they wanted piece and prosperity and living with all kinds of different cultures and races back then, this is what is needed today just with a different strategy than some are attempting today. The Afrikaner is probably the most miss understood people in the country even by some of their own right wing comrades that believe that racism is what they have always stood for, this couldn't be further from the truth...
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  5. #5
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    As a person of mixed race(coloured) decent, was victim of a system, Apartheid, imposed viciously by the Afrikaner, but started by the British, I feel it for the Afrikaner, nevertheless.

    They are blamed for all the ills of Apartheid, yet many people benefited from that horrible system. Not only white South Africans, but many South Africans of Colour, ie the Homeland Despots, The Sell outs in the former Tricameral Parliament etc.

    Nothing precludes cultural groupings from starting their own schools, organisations or even homeland.That is protected by the constitution. The problem is when these groups want the state to fund their endeavours.

    As long as others choices do not interfere with MY choices, I have no issues
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    I have a big issue with cultural groupings. It is so part of the history of South Africa that it is almost acceptable. The irony is that it has begun even before the settlers landed here. It has always existed and still exists within the majority cultural groups in the country especially in the Non-Afrikaner cultures.

    In a country such as South Africa where we are so multi cultural and diverse, issues like the "Volkstaat", BEE, EE and other racist groupings are doing more harm than good. It is just continuing the divide in a country that cannot afford it.

    When you look at the history of South Africa, it is country that was build as a team despite the racial division and divide that apartheid government believed in. However, the positive role that the apartheid government played has never been acknowledged nor believed by the majority of people. Today you have such a diversity in opinions about how this country should adapt to its "shameful history" that people people are mislead to believe history was something to be ashamed of.

    I do not support the idea of a Volkstaat or any kind of repetition of history as we were supposed to have walked the road we did up to now in order to go forward.

    Many mistakes have been made in our history but the biggest mistake we can make is to repeat the mistakes of the past or even dwell on it. These ignorant and often judgmental individuals that continue playing their cards based on the WONDERFUL past of South Africa makes me sick and is an indication that we have very few people that truly love their country. They live in their isolated dream world that makes only sense to their short sighted beliefs. This is not the way forward for South Africa...

    I have joined their Facebook group to understand what on earth they are on about, but certainly not because I am a fan.
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  8. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I like the fact we're differentiating between cultural groups and gatherings thereof vs seperatists (in this case those wishing to form a Volkstaat).

    But it got me wondering how often perfectly well-meaning cultural groups end up getting hijacked by seperatists? I don't know if that applies in this case, but it must be a tricky problem...

    Particularly if there are things going on in society that fuels the fires of extremism.

  9. #8
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    Okay Okay, nobody here is racist or guilty of cultural stereotypes I believe you. I will say this however. Every single apartheid stereotype about blacks:" lazy, corrupt, savage, bloodthirsty, ignorant, commie etc. have become full blown reality in both the ANC and Mugabe. Coincidence? No, the people who are put in power reflect the worst ideals so as to perpetuate global racism.

    Every neo-nazi can now quote South Africa as an example for recruiting purposes and here is the punchline: The ANC are nothing but BLACK NAZI's!. In fact in terms of socio-economic impact and long term destruction of our country as a whole, death tolls due to Aids related apathy and rape culture, genocide of white farmers, burning of immigrants and refugees, violent library-burning riots, 90% unemployment (say what you like) etc. ALL South Africans are worse off now than they were during the apartheid regime. Irony? I am not saying apartheid was cool, no I am saying the ANC is worse than Hitler.

    The ANC has done more damage to the word "black" than Bush's entire media campaign against "Islam".

    On top of all this it seems whites are blamed for every global historic woe and we just respond by bending over and taking it. Rubbish. "We" are the only group that don't see ourselves as a tribe and still we are targeted as such by everybody with a gripe. Whites didn't invent slavery, concentration camps, religious persecution, colonialism or war, we just apologized for it and for that we became the icon of these things. Big mistake.

    We should see ourselves as a tribe if only for self-preservation sake, but we are too anal about our little intellectual divisions and completely paranoid about being called a racist or a hypocrite. To be proud about being "black" is so acceptable, but "white" pride is categorized with Nazi. If I wore a T-shirt with the words:"Proud of being white" or "White like me, hair products" people would look at me funny, but somehow these Government reprobates can say "black" like its some kind of deification.

    I never related to "Afrikaner" culture, I see myself as a misfit as are most south Africans. The point is by comparison to the ANC everything is more attractive.

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  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superscenic View Post
    Okay Okay, nobody here is racist or guilty of cultural stereotypes I believe you. I will say this however. Every single apartheid stereotype about blacks:" lazy, corrupt, savage, bloodthirsty, ignorant, commie etc. have become full blown reality in both the ANC and Mugabe. Coincidence? No, the people who are put in power reflect the worst ideals so as to perpetuate global racism.
    The important thing here is that the ANC is an organisation originally created to fight for the rights of black people in a country that was completely high-jacked by a British government that took away the rights of both the Afrikaner and the Blacks in the country (This for the wealth the country has in Gold, Diamonds and other resources). Although the ANC had good intentions it has transformed into a struggle organisation against apartheid by using intimidation, murder, fear and the power of the International press. That same struggle strategy is what keeps them in power. They are clever about it too using their alliance partners every now and then to ensure that people do not forget who they really are. How long will it work? Not much longer imo. The average South African regardless of race, culture or gender are not going to take their clear greed, immoral values and often sheer stupidity much longer, they will have to up their performance, and in order to do this they will have to shake their racist views and start looking at who can do the job right.

    However the ANC hardly represent the "blacks" in this country. They represent the normal human needs of greed, ambition and power. In general there are black people in this country that have the exact same ambitions for the country as anybody else, peace, employment, love and and life worth living. A generalization is not a good thing and the ANC certainly do not represent black people in this country, they represent the past.

    This just my opinion off-course...
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  12. #10
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    There needs to be a shift in the mindset of the people before there will be a shift in the mindset of the politicians. Politicians will have no reason to change how they do things unless the people speak out about it.

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