what about the people who are barely covering costs...always worried about the poor...they get free electricity...its people like you an i who are suffering
people forget we had a rates increase not to long ago our rates went up from R350 per month to R980 per month.
then the petrol price increase..who suffers you and i because we put petrol in to our motor vehicles.
sin tax which doesnt affect me because i dont smoke or drink but the majority of people i know drink or smoke...so who suffers.
we need to start a struggle...the survival of the people just above the poor people becuase we are not quite middle class but not rated as poor because
we live in a house which we pay for...not free...
electricity we pay for...not free...
water we pay for not free...
rates we pay for not free...
taxes we pay for not free...
shame the poor poor person at least he doesnt have to pay for anything.
i did some calculations and worked out that i earn double what he does but i pay 1000 % more in living costs than he does...go figue who is better off.
for exmple a bond on a 1 million rand house about R12000 per month (i dont even earn that much) he pays R80 a month for his room and his farm he owns... past down through generations and has cows and a house on the farm...who is better off????
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