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Thread: Is your Business Approachable?

  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Is your Business Approachable?

    Well for those of you that ever used a Netbank ATM knows it sound kind like a slot-machine when you win a small something. Then it is that deep green colour that just makes it feel kind of green and friendly almost natural.

    Then when I walked past the local KFC with all the bright white and Bright red I feel kind of rushed. I then made a point to enter the shops that I feel good and spend a lot of money just to see if there is any truth in this.

    So I went to the one of the Incredible Connection stores and walked around. The blue T-shirts and the clean premises had a “surgical feel” feel I was not rushed. The radios where kind of soft and didn’t bother me that much.

    When I walked into the Look and Listen and there funny posters and graphic "posters-art" I felt mellowed and if the right song played it was an all round pleasant experience.

    I think you are beginning to get the picture here. And I do think it is true if you don’t annoy the subconscious mind I think the customer may be “stimulated" by sight and sound to interact and do business with you.

    It is a fact that music and colour have a profound effect on us as humans. So perhaps it is worth proper study and constructing your office accordingly. Because a real business person knows that the overall experience that brings your customers back to you.

    So what it your view on this.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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    Dave A (22-Feb-10), desA (23-Feb-10), tonyflanigan (23-Feb-10)

  3. #2
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    I'm with you on this one...I have walked out of retail shops on numerous occasions because the music was too loud and the shop too messy and even worse too full of stock...I get quite flustered...

    I will also avoid shops that are too clinical (all chrome and black and white) most of the others I will enter...


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    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    I am impressed by the eeeee factor and the ices that is how much moneeeee do they want and what are their prices like.

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  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    One of the challenges is the "sweet spot" is like fashion - a moving target. A while ago I was looking at sign writing my vehicles. The proposals were... loud.

    I was told this is where it's at nowadays - you need to stand out; be noticed. But my question is - for how long?

    To my mind clean, crisp and functional is a timeless classic.

  6. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I don’t know it is just when I walk into a casino I cannot for the life of me sit still for too long. When I go to the roulette table my attention is focused on the numbers and attitude of the person working the wheel. I read his or her body language and stare at their eyes. Smell if I can detect odour and look for sweat.

    Sounds disturbing right? Wrong. See the table that is closest to the slot-machines is the “worst table imaginable” The same colours that is driving you crazy has been doing its thing with the “Dealer” if you will. Now have a look at the “Dealer” He or she is sweaty irritated and there hand movements is less consistent thus the numbers will hop around like mad. The faint smell of sweat is normally detectible and chances are you will lose more money than normal.

    Now go to a back table facing an open space. The “Dealer” will be less irritated his or her hand movements will be consistent. No sweat or less sweat will show there state of mind. This is a better place to try your luck and you will probably lose no too much here.

    Do your own observations and see if I am wrong or not.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  7. #6
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    one of the reasons i dont arrive at a customers premises in a porshe...first thing that goes thru their mind...soemone has to pay for that car.

    i do believe this because when i went around collecting cheques in the old days i did it on my bike...getting money out of customers became more and more difficult..the attitude was wow you must be making lots of money out of us to afford to ride a bike like i went back to collecting money in my old bakkies and when they asked what happened to the bike i told them i couldnt afford it anymore and that i was battling...payments became easier to colect...believe it or not.

    i know this has nothing to do with shopping but i thought it relevant to the subject.

  8. Thank given for this post:

    Dave A (27-Feb-10), tec0 (24-Feb-10)

  9. #7
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well here is my deal. I got a phone call in the morning from a person “friend” that left me hanging for 8 years. He needed his computer fix. I thought ok it is bit strange but fine. Well his computer is in bad shape but I got it going.

    Then he asked me about something else. Now this involves heavy lifting paperwork a lot of laws and a lot of time. Most companies knows that this type of service can take up to 3 months do develop the system he required.

    Well not to blow smoke up my own ass. But I did a complete job within 48 hours because he was in hot water. 48 hours of not sleeping or anything. Well once I am done He was willing to pay 2% of the going price because “business is bad”

    Here is the catch I “walk” he drives a brand new car. I have old piece of crap mobile phone. He has a brand new Nokia worth R3000. The point is he is telling me he has it tuff and how hard life is and all that... “It is actually kind of annoying” But he is not willing to pay me the full price or even half price no... He wants it for free and he is expecting me to jump through hoops for him.”

    So at this moment I am really tempted to tell him to “p!ss-off”

    So basically if I had a big phone and a nice new car cool looking office I think I would have been able to demand full price for my services and then some! But because I look desperate they think I can’t say no...

    Well I can say no and tomorrow I am doing exactly that!

    I don’t know... It is really a strange word we live in....
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  10. #8
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    something i would also like to note...i have an insurance broker i have knwn for years...he drives a big fancy car and when he arrives to sell insurance he is dressed in his best outfit gold rings etc...i asked him why...his answer i want people to think i can afford all this because i know what i am doing and thats why people use my services.

    i have just invested in a "better" vehicle to suit the type of work i have been doing...i dont want the customers to think i am just a 2 bob electrician.

    moral of the story...charge what you believe you are worth and dress to suit the situation...if you are dealing with big corporate dont arrive in shorts and a T shirt and shorts.

    teco i know where you are coming from i have been in a very similar yourself away from those type of cant just drop because you need to make a living but as you find other customers who appreciate your quality of workmanship and service (which by the way is becoming non exsistant)...slowly phase them out until they no longer ride you... and stay away from them because they will always try get a free ride.

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    tec0 (27-Feb-10)

  12. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    This is all about "posture."

    If your posture is telling everyone you're a doormat, they'll treat you like one.
    If your posture is saying "you're worth your fee" they'll act accordingly too.

    Of course, delivery must meet your posture. The picture must be consistent.

    When you dig right down to the root of all this, it comes down to self-belief - a sense of your own worth. It's going to be difficult to claim your time is worth x amount when you don't, in your heart, believe it yourself.

    Every transaction involves a negotiation. It may not be obvious; it may be incredibly brief (perhaps as little as that critical first impression), but somewhere along the line at least one judgement call is made.

    You need to make a decision as to what you are worth, and then match yourself up to that. Whether you do it by "wearing the clothes" first and having your inside voice follow (the "fake it 'till you make it" strategy), or whether you get it into your heart first and the reality follows doesn't matter much - the results are much the same. It's the decision that's critical.

    If you haven't made a decision, then you'll spend your life being valued and paid according to the decisions of others.

    Decide what you're worth, and stick to it. Everything else will follow.

  13. Thanks given for this post:

    tec0 (27-Feb-10)

  14. #10
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    So there is something about the “bling factor” after all, not only play the part but be the part. Don’t come down on price rather set up strategy and allow customers to make their own choices. I am upping my game by enrolling in a lot of courses that will set my documentation apart from others.

    I am using better looking files and more expensive paper as well as higher quality printing. Along with a higher quality information database this will give my customers and myself the edge. Second best is “is in the mind” right now second best just don’t exist anymore.

    Yes upping the bling, attitude and business strategy might be a good investment.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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