Well for those of you that ever used a Netbank ATM knows it sound kind like a slot-machine when you win a small something. Then it is that deep green colour that just makes it feel kind of green and friendly almost natural.
Then when I walked past the local KFC with all the bright white and Bright red I feel kind of rushed. I then made a point to enter the shops that I feel good and spend a lot of money just to see if there is any truth in this.
So I went to the one of the Incredible Connection stores and walked around. The blue T-shirts and the clean premises had a “surgical feel” feel I was not rushed. The radios where kind of soft and didn’t bother me that much.
When I walked into the Look and Listen and there funny posters and graphic "posters-art" I felt mellowed and if the right song played it was an all round pleasant experience.
I think you are beginning to get the picture here. And I do think it is true if you don’t annoy the subconscious mind I think the customer may be “stimulated" by sight and sound to interact and do business with you.
It is a fact that music and colour have a profound effect on us as humans. So perhaps it is worth proper study and constructing your office accordingly. Because a real business person knows that the overall experience that brings your customers back to you.
So what it your view on this.
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