I am sure many of us have issues with poor timekeeping. Some employers allow a period of grace, while others stick rigidly to the time rule. As employers we do need to account for the transport, and as much as it is a problem, we also know that employees use this as an excuse. When chatting to my managers a question that arose was when is a warning issued, particularly if we want to exercise some allowance for the various problems. Of course an answer of ‘depends on circumstances” does not help much so I put together a scoring system. Thought I would put it up for comment, thoughts and ideas.
5-10 minutes late = 1 point
10-20 minutes late = 2 point
20 minutes or more = 3 points
A warning, the relevant one (verbal, written etc) is issued when the employee has 3 points.
When a warning is issued, the points are removed and employee starts on zero.
Points carry over from month to month over a 2-month period, remembering if a warning was issued the points are zeroed. If the employee accumulates 4 points in the 2 months, a warning is issued. Thus being late 4 times by 5 minutes gets a warning, or 15 minutes late twice, earns a warning or a combination, say late by 15 minutes once and twice being late by 5 minutes, earns a warning.
It is possible that the employee might earn a verbal, 2 written, a final and ultimately dismissal, purely on this system. It may sound harsh but in essence, the employee has accumulated 20 points over a possible ten month period, meaning they were late 20 times, which is a problem.
Of course the first question being asked is what about the recording system. And I think each enterprise would work out a way. Some might just check the time books weekly or at end of the month and issue the relevant warning and carry over the points into the new time book, would be one way.
Comments please.
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