This is a letter I sent to MTN today, hopefully i will receive a response soon.
Every month I do my utmost not to go over my 1GB data bundle, the main reason for that is the ridiculous prices I have to pay if I do.
But ever since March 2009 it was impossible for me to ascertain the correct amount of data I have left. Since the software that comes with the modem can only give a rough estimate of data usage and MTN refuses to provide even the most basic of services regarding data usage for example: a sms when the bundle has only 10mb left.
For that reason I phoned MTN every third week of the month to determine how many I’ve got left. This proved highly effective and I was able to keep my costs down except when extra business demanded it.
The reason why this method failed me since March 2009 was that MTN could not provide me with accurate information regarding the amount of data that I have left. I had to fall back on the F@astlink Software that came with the modem but therein lies another problem. At the end of August I bought myself a new computer and from September to the beginning of November I had numerous problems with it. Faulty motherboard, Hard Drive Failure and viruses. Due to all this I was unable to establish how many data I’ve used and of course when I called the helpline I was told that I still have 2000mb remaining.
I found that highly unlikely since I spent a lot of data on Antivirus updates, motherboard drivers, etc. It was then that the kind lady admitted that the system is not able to provide recent amounts and according to her system I haven’t used my modem at all for a good couple of months.
Please imagine my surprise when I got a account this month for
R 2300. I would like to ask you to tell me in all honesty whether sending me an account for such an amount is fair and just after I did my utmost to keep my monthly expenses as low as possible using every means at my disposal.
I am sure you would agree that the fault lies not with me but with MTN as they should have provided me with a means to determine how many MB I still have left on my data bundle.
In all probability, this letter is as futile an effort to change the ways of MTN or get my money back as you could ever come across.
Therefore I would like to give to MTN absolute certainty that in the event that they refuses to refund me for the extra data they billed me, I will cancel my contract, never do business with them again and do my utmost to spread the word that others may prevent being in the same situation that I am now.
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