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Thread: help needed with website SEO

  1. #1
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    help needed with website SEO

    Hi all,

    I need some help with a website and search engine ranking, please. The website is first page is basically a "fancy menu", with 6 images which all re-directs to their respective pages. In itself, the website content won't really change often, or much at all, which I know isn't good for search engine ranking.

    Does anyone have any tips / suggestions for me, to drive more traffic to this website, other than google ads / paid-for directory listings / etc? It's a friend's website, and her cash-flow is a bit crippled with the recession, so we need to think of creative ideas on how to drive more traffic. The website is listed in a few free directories, but even then it doesn't help much.

    P.S. Dave, I thought this would be best place to post this, as it is related to her business, but feel free to move it elsewhere if you need to.
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  2. #2
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Have a look at a quote manager, some of them manage to get google to see the different quotes as new content. If I come across it I will post the web address
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  3. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Looks very nice. I like it - the website that is and the guesthouse looks great as well. The problem I have often found is that a great looking site often is not seo and google friendly.

    I would look at having much more text and content on index page with reference to the keywords.

    You have too many keywords and no real relevant ones up front.

    As a suggestion, I would have more reference to the area and place where one would find the guesthouse on the index page. Do all the guests come from the airport for example. What if I came up on the N3 from Durban?

    Link to activities in the edenvale area and get them to link back to you. Shopping centres, happenings, local news etc.

    Hope that helps for a start.
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  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoftDux View Post
    Hi all,

    I need some help with a website and search engine ranking, please. The website is first page is basically a "fancy menu", with 6 images which all re-directs to their respective pages. In itself, the website content won't really change often, or much at all, which I know isn't good for search engine ranking.

    Does anyone have any tips / suggestions for me, to drive more traffic to this website, other than google ads / paid-for directory listings / etc? It's a friend's website, and her cash-flow is a bit crippled with the recession, so we need to think of creative ideas on how to drive more traffic. The website is listed in a few free directories, but even then it doesn't help much.

    P.S. Dave, I thought this would be best place to post this, as it is related to her business, but feel free to move it elsewhere if you need to.
    I suggest you give the guys of a try.

  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    We should break this discussion down into on-site and off-site SEO.

    For on-site SEO my comments are (after a very superficial examination):
    Internal links off the home page are via image only. I'd get those bottom links that you have on the content pages running on the home page too.

    The long page titles will dilute keyword weight. Focus individual pages to specific key phrases - don't try to mash 3 key phrases onto every page.

    The description Meta's are boring. Yes, you need to include the page's keywords and key phrase, but this is the prompter phrase - your chance in a SERP to say "click me." This should be like the sexy lady out the front of the restaurant in a row of restaurants saying "eat here."

    There are no H2 and H3 tags. A quick solution is to rename any header type content CSS classes to the less descriptive but search engine more significant H2 or H3. If you don't have any section headers, create some.

    Last comment for now - I note the interest in the accommodation market for the 2010 World Cup. I suggest "2010 world cup accommodation" and a couple of alternatives is where a lot of online searches are going to start and you'd do well to create and optimise some pages around these variants. However I also suspect those searches will drop off after the event - I'd keep the phrase out of the pages you expect to stand the test of time relatively unchanged.

  7. #6
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    I found the quote script at perl services They say this helps your seo. I have not used this so can't comment on it. I do use their dropbox which is great for the big files.
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  8. #7
    Email problem tonyflanigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marq View Post

    I would look at having much more text and content on index page with reference to the keywords.

    You have too many keywords and no real relevant ones up front.

    As a suggestion, I would have more reference to the area and place where one would find the guesthouse on the index page. Do all the guests come from the airport for example. What if I came up on the N3 from Durban?

    Link to activities in the edenvale area and get them to link back to you. Shopping centres, happenings, local news etc.

    Hope that helps for a start.
    This is pretty much what we do, and our client sites do well on SERP's.

    @Softdux. List with Vottle. Very often they come up very quickly, generally about 3 hours after the ad is placed, and they don't slip away off the SERP's. Point to remember with them, set the ad frequency for a month, and renew it every month, or it will disappear. Quickly.
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  9. #8
    Email problem tonyflanigan's Avatar
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    Vottle Rocks! 2 hrs 15 minutes!
    I'm one of the T's from TnT Unleashed Web design, photography and writing services

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