Hi I wonder if I am posting in the correct forum ,if by chance I am not then would some- one please be kind and direct me to the correct forum my query being as follows
I have 3 clip on current meters ( tong testers ) and when a load is measured I get different readings now all is very well if one just wants to check if a circuit is drawing a load , but when one has to explain the reason for the different readings ,
Meter A is a analogue meter
Meter B is a digital “ R.M.S. “ meter
Meter C is a digital meter
On an inductive load the readings are
A = 43 amps B = 42 amps C = 45 amps
On an resistive load the readings are
A = 95 amps B = 87.5 amps C = 103 amps
What could the reason be for the different readings.
Thanks Mike.
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