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  1. #1
    Email problem The Flying Scotsman's Avatar
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    World Cup fever is almost upon us and from what i see & hear most South Africans are slow of the mark when it comes to realizing the opportunities that are to be had where they always leaving things to the very last minute by then being to late.True or False ?

  2. #2
    Email problem tonyflanigan's Avatar
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    You got it!

    Its b'cos we all reckon the other dude with more bucks is gonna do it so I'm not gonna waste my time.
    I'll wait for another opportunity that I can let slip through my fingers.
    I'm one of the T's from TnT Unleashed Web design, photography and writing services

  3. #3
    Email problem The Flying Scotsman's Avatar
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    Hi Tony

    You know the score..!! But aye am just trying to give all a wee wake up call here by pressing a few buttons & that i understand its not their fault maybe its all due to the weather.

  4. #4
    Email problem tonyflanigan's Avatar
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    Haccomadation Hinstitutions, even in this little backwater are of the opinion that 2010, b'cos of the WORLD CUP, is gonna be GREAT! the whole year looks to be SOLD OUT! No accommodation to be had anywhere! Expand, spend, new furniture, new TV's, and NEW websites!

    Man oh man, do they get righteously indignant when you warn them against over-capitalising on a short-term flash in the pan. We don't warn TOO much, cos we still want the work, but we do feel a touch of realim is needed. Maybe the sole B&B in Putsonderwater will be fully booked for 2 weeks during WC2010, and very likely the cities that have full on stadiums will have a bumper WC2010, but I seriously don't think the rest of Sarf Effrika will get much of the wave. Maybe just a tad of water around our li'l pink soles.

    I'm one of the T's from TnT Unleashed Web design, photography and writing services

  5. #5
    Email problem The Flying Scotsman's Avatar
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    Peace Love & Unity

    Awright Tony.

    I respect your reply and that am just a little bit bitter here that Scotland never qualified but worse still your lucky am not Irish & that please see my first post as a bit of friendly banter only.

    First and foremost though its not about how many bums you can put on seats/beds as you know but what comes about after the beautiful game not to mention the massive incentives that are to be had for all & that the people up above not forgetting the locals really pull out all the stops here by helping to put Sunny SA back on the map.

    I sincerely hope that its offerings are not forgotten and that Mexico is given a run for its money.

    Fingers crossed x

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  7. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I have little doubt overseas visitors will have no problem getting a truly South African experience.

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  9. #7
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Tony, while I agree with your views on the 2010 scenario and its effects on us South Africans, I would have thought that as someone who laments in his writings about the poor tourist service delivery, you would have been more positive about South Africa and South Africans.

    I am sure East London gets the short stick on most occasions and Durban does not seem to be that far behind when it comes to tourist promotions and things related thereto. The thing is that we have to get out there and just do it ourselves. If we rely on municipal, provincial or government help for things to happen then we will be disappointed every time. This appears to be the case the world over.

    With regard to 2010 trinkets and involvement, I don't believe its because we did not get off our arses. I think its thanks to FIFA and Mr Septic Bladder, closing all avenues of individual entrepreneurship down before they started. One cannot do anything unless you have their approval. Instead of allowing the local South Africans licence to promote and manufacture, it seems the 'tenders' were given to those in fifa circles and in the 'know'. It appears that the real winners in this 2010 scenario will be fifa and the international circuit. We may pick up the crumbs of post games tourism and even some export opportunities but my feeling is that it is just a clomp pomp, wam bam thank you mam - see you in four years time somewhere else if you can make it.

    South Africans I believe are capable of doing stuff, but I think they need a bit more international marketing exposure and experience to actually make it happen. 2010 was such an opportunity but mishandled by the government who do not see the slight of hand that Mr Bladder used.
    The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
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    Dave A (13-Jan-10), The Flying Scotsman (13-Jan-10), tonyflanigan (12-Jan-10)

  11. #8
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    I was very slow off the mark - looked at the prices and said "no way, too high" I was wrong...Retailers are very weary of having dead stock after the WC.

  12. #9
    Email problem tonyflanigan's Avatar
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    @ Scotsman. um... I'm kinda Irish, or so I've been told at any rate, but apart from that, no apologies or any such thing for background. I mean, who am I to bitch at my dad 'cos of his background. LOL, all I know is that to get to the Mother Country, you fly north, and about two thirds of the way there you turn left. I think.

    Next up, and this is for Marq as well. Marq, you bring up a few damn good points. I'm not going to go into the fifa (read political) angle now. I may just get annoyed and ban kilts or declare tartan illegal. South Africans do have what it takes to be successful, anywhere in the world. I have considered the emigration thing many times, but (close yr eyes admin) fuck that. South Africa is where I was born, and South Africa is where I stay. In other posts it may seem that I'm disenchanted, I am, but I have made the decision to do the best that I can, right here. We have international clients who are totally blown awat with the work we have done for them, and all have become long-term clients.

    I think that what I'm trying to get to is that rather than cry into our Klippies and coke, and buy the newspapers just to get peed off at what our esteemed national leadership is up to, we should rather expend our energy and expertise on those things that will bring us what we want (eg.:work, to make money, to buy a car or a bottle of scotch).

    No doubt there are many places in South Africa that are only going to get crumbs out of the WC, but don't let that stop you, or slow you down. We may not be the biggest biz in our field, not even the best, but what we do have is excellent customer service, and that, when all is said and done, is where our next client comes from.

    I'm not pessimistic about South Africans, just the ones who feel they deserve everything just because of who they are.

    Oh, and poor service delivery for the tourism industry, , a fave topic, but I won't go into that now...
    I'm one of the T's from TnT Unleashed Web design, photography and writing services

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    Dave A (13-Jan-10), The Flying Scotsman (13-Jan-10)

  14. #10
    Email problem The Flying Scotsman's Avatar
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    Totally agree with you David am so looking forward to it i cannae wait...!!!! Also Listening to the sound of these imfamous vuvuzela's should be an experience to saviour wooooo hoooooo

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