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Thread: ID theft prevention not an issue with Liberty Health

  1. #1
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    ID theft prevention not an issue with Liberty Health

    I needed to change my bank account details with my medical aid, Liberty Health.

    They tell me via an anonymous email to fax my new banking details along with a copy of my id, a bank statement and a confirmation from the bank.

    I ask them - what must the bank confirm? I am still waiting for an answer on this.

    Then I ask them about security, id theft and fraud, and if they think in this day and age it is wise to send all these details through to an unknown fax line, to an unknown body and to a medical aid which has just taken over my original medical aid?

    I get an machine type, unsigned, no name brand, response that says this is their rules and if I want the details changed then comply.

    So I thought I would ask the forum as to whether I am just being paranoid and give them all my information or whether somebody knows another way around this problem? I thought that seeing they have a members sign on section they could include a profile update there, but alas this is not part of their system or part of their thinking even.

    The reason I changed my banking details was because Nedbank did not want to change my address and I found it easier to close the account than it was to change details on ones account. I did not see the second Aholes coming along and the next move - maybe it is easier to change medical aids than it is to change the banking details. It was easy for them just to suck up my original medical aid, change the systems and admin without any reference to myself - but now that I want a change, its produce your life and put it at risk or we are not talking to you.
    Last edited by Marq; 08-Jan-10 at 10:38 AM.
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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    As long as it's legit, them making sure you is actually you is a good thing. I suspect they also want to make sure all the new banking details are actually correct and they're not going to end up sucking money out of someone else's account.

    Of course if they're not legit...

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Thats the point here - I agree that they need to know who is on this side of the fence but I do not know who is on that side of the fence. In dealing with the matter they have just carried on regardless, not even an assurance of security or a name to talk to.
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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Do a "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" deal?

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    So far its only an 'up yours' deal. Tried to phone earlier to speak to a proper person (someone other than an untrained call center operator type). No joy. I think this has just become mondays problem.
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  6. #6
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    You have taken the first step in order to have an impact on Liberty Health, should a prospective client of Liberty Health google their name, they are going to read your post, the negative aspect of this will ultmately "cost" Liberty Health potential clients!

    In my opinion - unfortunately over a period of time though!
    we will start experiencing a turn around from the "up yours" attitude, to a "do everything they possibly can to serve the client attitude" to make sure there are no negative articles available on the internet!

    In South Africa we have reached the point of being overwhelmed, the disgusting attitude of a plethora of companies and service providers that just do not deserve to be in business, is literally unbelievable!
    Banks, cellphone companies, the list is endless and everyone has a personal experience that "tops" the next one!

    From our personal details aspect, we are providing our personal details to "all and sundry", ID fraud is a growing problem, and as our details are available through all sorts of avenues (SARS, SABS, FICA, Service providers, municipalities, cell phone companies, any "Credit" application, UIF claims etc.) there is no way that an individual could prove where our personal details are sourced from.
    E-mail listings - it is unbelievable sometimes how mass marketing obtains our information.
    I believe on that front we are fighting a losing battle!

    My husband received on his private cell number, demands from a lawyer for SABC, for our daughter (TV Licence fees!) who left South Africa in 2007.
    How the heck did they trace her details to her father?
    By the way SABS "demand" that she provide copies of her air ticket, copies of her US Visa, her employment details in the US, and her passport! before they are prepared to cancel her TV license!
    She had provided a letter cancelling her TV license and advising that the TV has been destroyed! She said she dumped it at a dump site as she took no furniture etc. with her.
    They "demand" we provide evidence that she dumped it.
    How they hell can we do that?, and as we "refuse" to provide them with all the rest of their required information, we keep having to pay the annual license to avoid having her sued as a defaulter! Even though she no longer lives in South Africa she has no desire to have a record of defauting!

    Unless we are prepared to take the matter to court, or provide the information as requested - what can we do?

    This is one small example of the "overwhelming" frustration we are dealing with, there is a joke somewhere in this forum, about monkeys on a ladder, Well I could not help but think of it as I believe this is a good metaphor - and I feel like one of those ruddy monkeys!
    Hopefully at some stage a monkey managed to get some revenge!


  7. Thanks given for this post:

    Marq (11-Jan-10)

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