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Thread: Right this is the best scam ever!

  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Right this is the best scam ever!

    You go to Musica and purchase a game made by Steam aka Valves. The game’s name is Left 4 dead 2 of PC. Now you will pay R350 for the game but don’t be fooled you cannot play the game because it needs to download about a million Gb of BS before the game will install.

    Then you lose constant connection to the server and re-download it over and over again till you’re cap is dead!

    Beware: Valve aka Steam IS a scam because the game does not work as an original thus don’t lose your money with this one.
    peace is a state of mind
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  2. #2
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    The point of buying original games is to be able to buy it install it and play it. NOT SO, I have a good mind to go to the consumer counsel and fight for my money back. I am so angry I will do just that! Why is it always the f*cking customer that gets it in the ass!

    There is really no point in buying any Steam of Valve title anymore it really is a scam... They are selling you an incomplete piece of software that is incapable of functioning by itself.

    The point of having an f*cking original is to avoid being raped by patches and updates that escalate into the thousands! Yes work it out at R2 per 1Mb it is just so aggravating!
    peace is a state of mind
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  3. #3
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    gigs would be incorrect. unless of course you forgot to put the DVD in during the install and install it off the disc.
    Part of the APPEAL of the steam system is the updates. your games constantly have the latest version of the game installed, so if you decide to play via lan you and your mates have the exact same copy with the correct patches. contrast this to how modern warfare won't let you even see games without the same version number as yourself.
    it doesn't re-download patch files. It downloads them in individual parts. I can close the program at 25% and get the 25% again when I load it up.
    left4dead and left4dead2 have always been pointed as online play games. The whole idea is a co-op experience. I've played the game by myself. it isn't as fun as with a couple of mates.
    the other thing to understand is that the system was designed in an area of the world where the internet is fantastic. You cannot blame them for having good connectivity. blame the blood sucking leeches you're using.
    if updating bugs you so much, set it to start up in offline mode. it doesn't check for updates and lets you do what you want to (play the game). activation is done through steam, which will require you to be online.

    A scam usually involves some instant benefit to the scammer (money given, information received). The benefit steam is given is better control over registered serials. And advertising. I hate the damn adverts.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well I don’t care it does not work even with the up-date installed and best of all it wants to update and update and update... well I am sorry but this is not what we as customers pay for. Yes it sais on the box it needs online activation! It is NOT however stated that it needs the f*cking internet just to f*cking work!

    I am sorry but what is the point of the game if you can’t bloody play it
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	steam.jpg 
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    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Right, in the end this is a scam because firstly have a look on the back of game. It is not stated that the game will need high-speed internet and 2 GB of updates. It is not stated that the offline mode is disabled permanently. It is not stated that you will need to update it constantly and above all it is not stated that you need an online account to play single player. Thus it is a scam because you paid for an original copy of the game. The original is unable to function thus it cannot work properly thus you where given something that is incomplete and when you bay a game you don’t expect a demo. No you want a fully working game and Left for dead 2 is not functional thus it IS A SCAM thank you.
    peace is a state of mind
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  6. #6
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Online registration killing video games? Yes in the end everybody wants to scream piracy and then we have RICA monitoring our every download but what about criminals like these. What has been done to protect us the customer against SCAMs like these?

    First you pay for the Game.
    Then you pay for the download and activation.
    Then you pay for the 100mb updates just to get it to work.

    Really come to think about it, it really is the perfect crime because the criminal is always the customer. And the customer is always wrong. Well from this point forward I will no longer invest money in PC games. If it needs any kind of activation I will not be interested. The truth is if we as South Africans refuse to partake in there BS. Then they will need to change their attitude towards us the customer and we might then get proper working games again.

    Fact is we enjoy NO protection from crappy buggy games but the game developers can put us in prison. It might be just me but I am not taking it anymore. You can help by holding a consumer strike! Yes together we can make a change! Start now by simply not buying a game that needs online registration that is all YOU need to do. Let us see what they will be selling by the end of 2010 if no-one is buying their games.
    peace is a state of mind
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  7. #7
    Email problem tonyflanigan's Avatar
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    Go tecO! I feel your pain. What really p**s on my parade are games that need online activation, yet nowhere, but NOWHERE on the packaging does it tell you that it needs online activation. The boys have a pc, but they DO NOT have an internet connection. We buy games for them, and check the packaging THOROUGHLY for any indication of online activation being needed, and we still get caught. Having tried to load a game that needs online activation, the trick then is to return the sodding thing, 'cos it cannot be used. That is an art.
    I'm one of the T's from TnT Unleashed Web design, photography and writing services

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    tec0 (29-Dec-09)

  9. #8
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well I am tired of this kind of thing. It’s about time we start to act against such publishers and force them to produce a fully working game. EA games made a game called “Hell Gate London” to-date this game never functioned properly ever! It’s simply eats your memory to the point where the game just lags and bombs out. To-date this problem was never fixed by EA as the only patch I can get is basically found on “less then recommendable” websites and as usual it is really BIG so I never could play the game that cost me over R500!
    peace is a state of mind
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  10. #9
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well it continues. I have written a letter to Muscia and ask them if they think that if it will be ok to get my money back. I specified the following grounds. > Game specified activation only. >No ware is it specified that the game is actually an online only game. >After the massif updates I still couldn’t play single player offline mode as shown in the screenshot.

    Now I don’t think Muscia is to blame for this but I do think more time must be invested to make sure that the products that they are selling is “working” and that all the information on the box is correct. Still I would rather never buy a steam title game again because to them I am just another nobody. I e-mailed there support team and asked for help but to-date nothing...

    Now when you are scammed all the telephone numbers are useless as is all the contact data. So, if not in America then surely in South Africa there is NO support and they sold a game with incomplete information on the back. So in my eyes Steam is scamming the South African public.

    Steam’s lack of interest and lack of response shows you that they are taking money and IS giving nothing not even a working product in return. How can this NOT be a scam?
    peace is a state of mind
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  11. #10
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    The right not to disclose Information.

    At this point in time we are forced to give up our personal information. 2K games basically want to know where you live before they will allow you to play their games. I have a big problem with this because I see no use in them knowing where I live of what colour my anus is.

    This is testament that PC games are becoming a real pain and it is losing its appeal and I for one am done with their BS. I give the 2K team an e-mail demanding the codes needed to allow the game to work. What is the point of original games anyway?

    I for one am done with 2K, Steam and Microsoft Games. Because you cannot use them it is just impossible.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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