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Thread: Microsoft search strategy

  1. #1
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    Microsoft search strategy

    read here

    It sounds good on paper, but will it work with google being the dominant search engine? I think microsoft is going to have to throw an absolute ton of cash at this, and it may turn into a money black hole quicker than they realise.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The strategies used in the Coke vs Pepsi war may have finally come to the web!

  3. #3
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well right now Google is the main boss and basically an internet pimp. Think about it you pay Google so that the world access you trough Google. But the fact is that Google is making money because someone is in need of your service but can’t go to you directly thanks to domain names and the fact that there are millions of internet listings just like yours.

    So Google develop a hit system that works on money. The more you pay the more hits you will get. Well basically you as a company have the right to say NO. I don’t want Google I want someone else! And yes why only Google?

    Google is a big industry but there is no training facilities or sustainable income that can be generated if you are not working for Google directly so Google use us the search user for free! Not the other way around. Because when we the user use Google, Google gets money. Microsoft on the other hand do training and they invest in countries by generating jobs that is a fact!

    So if Microsoft wants to walk in and start taking Google’s money I am all for it, because I know that there will be educational development and job creation like the MCSE systems in the past. Point blank Microsoft gives back Google doesn’t...
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  4. #4
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    ironically, Microsoft is seen as the corporation that has no heart, whereas google is seen as the company that does no wrong. That is changing though, as can be seen through this story. I don't thinkhalf as many people complain about microsoft as there used to be during the windows 95/98/ME era. after XP shaped up and became solid gold, The general grumble died down. vista hit, grumblings went up, and now windows 7 is set to be the next great thing from microsoft. OSes like MAC snow leopard and the various Linux distros have made a dent in the Microsoft market share, but Microsoft still held fast. The post-Gates era has had its fair share of scares (that rolls off the tongue beautifully, by the way. try it), but it looks like Microsoft is heading forward.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well in all honesty I will support anyone that support humanity. Right now Google is the no.1 yet I do not consider Google to be anybodies friend. Let me put it in perspective. Microsoft gives training and created an industry that has the possibility “outside South Africa” to give people “real” work.

    Where is Google?

    There is no Google infrastructure, there is no Google anything?? Fact is Google has the world as its client... Now ask yourself what IS Google giving back? I don’t see specialised Google technicians running around. No Google trained programmers or even any proper innovation from Google at all.

    Nothing! So Google is Mega-money! How much of that is going back to the people in the form of job creation, support systems and training? ZERO! Nothing! Nada! Niks! ISH!

    So Google is just using us... the end.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  6. #6
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    I get what you're saying, but give this consideration. Most of what Google does is (effectively) SaaS(Software as a Service). take for example the search. You type into the box, you click search, boom! you get results.
    Google docs, you're writing documents using their software.
    You don't change the code, write applications, nada. You use the web applications as Google has presented them.
    when was the last time you heard someone say "Gosh darnit, I cant use this search. how does it work?"

    Microsoft has Bing, but we all know Microsoft for their operating systems.
    Operating systems are infinitely more complex.
    You CAN write code for them. there is a multitude of programming languages and APIs available for programming on a Microsoft OS.
    Now ask yourself this. How many times do you hear someone saying "Gosh darnit, WTF is going on with this application/OS/doohicky?"

    Microsoft gives out training because the complexities of the OS outweigh those of google's search and the like. Just because I know how to increase the partition size of my C:/ by shrinking the size of the other partition, doesn't mean everyone else is going to get it.

    As you have said, the world is Google's client. The world is content with how Google works, and expects nothing more from them. They have no reason to give out training or funding or whatever. But when their OS goes live and you can pick it up at your local computer store... That's when Google's light will shift.

  7. #7
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well in all honesty I see computers becoming big mobile phones with java based OS system. I see them completely internet dependent and what is more I see them free of charge. Yes this is the Google dream. Having a life application running on your computer allowing you to input data and then store it directly to server rather than HDD.

    Your application installations will be extremely small and I have a feeling that “console” based gaming will become the norm thus games will work with minimum installations but will be able to work almost flawlessly.

    Fact is “being connected” 5 years from now is going to be a brave new world and yes telecommunications and ISP’s are pushing for this change because they will effectively own your digital life. The point is making their services mandatory and "licensing" will get a totally new market because everything will have a bloody licence that I can promise you now.

    See once this step has taken place CNN, BBC and all the other television networks will then have to share clientele because your TV will be linked to the net and Google will be the facilitator and then you will see a true sift of wealth.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  8. #8
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    TV is already suffering in the US. with online movie sites that allow you to watch movies practically for free, youtube, and all those other wonderful sites that eat up cap faster than a rodent eating cheese, there's little wonder why. HOWEVER, while the rest of the world is moving towards cloud computing and gaming within browser windows, we're stuck in the stone age because of our caps and speed. The greed of telecommunications providers is going to hit harder and harder as the years progress.

    I still don't see cloud computing replacing the desktop though. I see it being used for storage of files and possibly online applications for ease of access. If cloud computing was "the next big thing" google wouldn't be attempting to come out with an OS to compete with Microsoft's Windows.

  9. #9
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    The OS is basically a platform and will be a total internet junky I am sure... Still the fact is stand-alone systems. Yes it IS hard to imagine but they do exist, stand lone computing is still a must when it comes to delicate data and company secrets. We do still have a right to “secrets”.... do we?

    The fact is you do want powerful hack-prove data systems that is globally connected. You do want notoriety and you do want an exclusive client relations. That was Microsoft and now it IS becoming Google. But what about infrastructure? Yes Google has the money they have the best brains but do they have the passion?

    Google wants to undertake >Global networking >Advertisement >Security >User friendly interface. Basically they have all that as long as they stay as a search engine.

    But when you look at an OS... Well then you need >Support networks >Physical presence >Reliability >Integration >Multiple platform support.

    Note >Physical presence: this will be in the form of; teachers, technicians, qualifications and support systems. That point on its own is a massif undertaking.

    Still Google has the money they have the best brains but do they have the passion?
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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