So I have a Skills Quota visa for South Africa and have had a lot of trouble getting work so my idea is to start up on my own(don't like foreign qualifications). I am almost there getting regestered with The DOL as an installation electrician and I have all my own tools and my testing gear can be shipped over easy.
Does anyone know if that is allowed?? I know Foreigners are allowed CC companies in there own name but does anyone know any reason or where its says that I can't work for myself here in SA with a Skills Quota Visa. I looked at the Immigration Act and I can't see anywhere where it says I can't.
Are any other catches???
If can't get a job with a company I'll start my own!
I know it won't be easy but nothing has been easy so far so I'm kind of used to it now.
And besides "if it was easy, everyone would do it" (my little mantra thats keeping me going)
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