(You are receiving this Email because we are a part of our network on Linkedin/Plaxo/KYKO Pte. Ltd/Asian Training Hub.)
“KYKO World Pte Ltd” in partnership with “Asian Training Hub”, is all set to expand and offer quality services spanning India, the Middle East and South East Asia.
“Asian Training Hub” is a website created especially for Training Companies, Trainers and the Corporate World. The initiative was taken by “Tulip Consulting Services” with the sole objective of giving a unique platform to the training community to get connected with each other and spread their wings.
KYKO World Pte Ltd and Tulip Consulting Services together are honoured to have you as one of the first on our list to take a closer look at some of our services and take advantage of what we have to offer.
1. Over 150 Trainers who are already registered with us.
2. Training companies offering “quality” programs.
3. Over 5,000 contacts of HR Managers and MNCs who are interested in training programs and hiring quality people.
4. Options of organising training programs in India, the Middle East and South East Asia.
5. Affiliations with Universities/Colleges and Schools.
6. Scientific Analysis of people’s competencies.
7. Consultations for training and development needs, setting evaluation standards and recruitment purposes.
We have a special offer for ONLY those who we have been directly associated with us. This offer is non transferable.
With this offer you can:
1. Register the logo of your company with us to ensure that you are noticed by all the decision makers of companies looking to hire your services.
2. Register your training programmes with us.
3. Get your information sent to over 5,000 Corporate HR Managers and Training Heads.
4. Get your company represented by us.
5. Get your training programmes marketed by us.
6. Find the best trainers in the world for your specialised needs.
7. Get your company recommended.
8. Get quality recommended trainers for your organisation.
There are quite a few programs that have been scheduled in Singapore:
KYKO World Pte. Ltd. has a two day training program on KYKO Fundamental Basic Course which will be held in January 2010 and repeated in February 2010 this is especially for Trainers and those involved with people management and teaching professionals. For more details contact akrubina@kyko-world.com
We are also holding an event in the first week of March 2010, where we are showcasing a select few who would be given an opportunity to show case their credentials and services to HR/Training Head of various companies in Asia who are involved and interested in training programs.
With reference to the above, here are a few more details for your information.
1. Only 10 Training Companies will be given an opportunity to show case themselves.
2. The audience would be HR/Training Heads of various top notch companies across Asia.
3. eBrochure world be made of the Training companies and would be marketed to over 5000 Organisations across Asia.
4. This event will be held in Singapore.
Your company can be a part to showcase your credentials to a select audience who are decision makers of companies from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India and the Middle East involved with training activities and who are looking for various options for people management and development. To find out more details please do not hesitate to write to akrubina@kyko-world.com or to Mr. Sushant Pati sushant@asiantraininghub.com
Look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Rubina Ali Khan
HP No: 65 98310264
KYKO-World Pte. Ltd (Registration No: 200720810H)
In collaboration with:
Asian Training Hub (India)
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