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Thread: Is Beast a Bok?

  1. #1
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Is Beast a Bok?

    Now for some absolute drivel from our government.
    The full statement from the Ministry of Sport and Recreation:


    "1. SA Rugby has requested the Minister of Sport & Recreation SA, Rev Dr Makhenkesi Stofile to intervene in securing South African citizenship for Tendai "The Beast" Mtawarira, a Zimbabwean national, who plays professional rugby in South Africa.

    "2. This request to have the Minister use his position to have the process of securing permanent residence and subsequently, citizenship expedited ahead of the year end tour in Europe, has exposed our Sport administrators’ clear disrespect or lack of understanding of our laws.

    "3. Talented as he is, Tendai, like all foreign nationals plying their trade in South Africa, is bound by the laws of this country. The migration laws of our country are clear on issues relating to permanent residence and citizenship. We expect our sport administrators to understand and respect legislation that regulate their business. None of the athletes, sport codes, or Federations can be bigger than the country.

    "4. While Tendai is a live wire on the field of play, the question is whether it is, in the first place, justifiable to say he has scarce skills – the rationale that would have enabled him to obtain the current work permit. If we go the route our Rugby administrators are requesting us to take, and facilitate the fast-racking of Tendai’s citizenship, what would this say to all rugby players in our country? We cannot as a Government Department responsible for sport and recreation in this country, afford to insult our players like this.

    "5. The principle here is clear: Only citizens of our country can play for our National team, irrespective of the sport code. Therefore, no foreign national can play for any of our national teams, no matter how outstanding they may be. If any player in any code is to become a South African citizen, this has to be done within the legal framework of our country.

    "6. Federations, Provinces and clubs, are more than welcome to approach us for advice on similar issues, instead of trying to slip a player through the legal framework.

    "Issued by: Sport and Recreation SA."
    Here is the link Iafrica
    What a lot of sh t is coming from our Government nowadays. Are we becoming just another African country. Where the leadership all seem to be corrupt, inept and UNCARING. Just play the race card when ever anything resembling black incompetence comes up.

    What advice do we give the kids about the future here?
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

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  3. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    It might be an idea to read Pierre De Vos's take on this.

    My take is our xenophobic underwear is showing again. This would be the shortest route to seeing "Beast" playing in a Bok jersey legitimately:
    He could legally be granted permanent residency by the Director General of Home Affairs in terms of 27(b) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002 because he ”possesses extraordinary skills or qualifications”. The DG has a discretion in this regard and if he wants to, he would be well within the limits of the law to issue Mtawarira with a permanent residency permit. The Minister would then be legally entitled to grant him citizenship one year later without breaking any laws or disrespecting the Rule of Law.
    The question now - will the DG start the ball rolling?

    In the meantime, the Boks are going to have to look elsewhere for someone to prop up our (apparently vulnerable) front row.

    Sport - the ultimate political football

  4. #3
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    Xenophobia reared its ugly tail again this year at the Grahamstown Arts Festival. As they instructed last year that foreign black vendors were not allow to have tents in the main streets so they limited foreign vendors again this year.

    Other than the plays after hours, the remaining Festival is a glorified international flea market. I have been going for a few years and I have also had dealings with the people organizing it. This year I stopped going due to their xenophobic beliefs.

    The rugby debacle is also xenophobic. We get arrested for it but the government use it to show their true colours and get away with it.

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Of course England don't have these hang-ups. In fact I'm sure there'll be more than just a dry smirk on their faces as they field a small squad of ex-South Africans in their cricket team to play the Proteas this summer.

    If I remember correctly, Kevin Petersen's UK citizenship was fast-tracked to get him in the England team in time to play for the Ashes a while ago.

  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Now they're threatening to deport him!
    Sharks star Tendai "Beast" Mtawarira faces possible deportation to Zimbabwe instead of another Bok cap, while Pakistani spinner Imran Tahir is unlikely to represent the Proteas, should a senior ANC MP have his way.

    National Assembly sports committee chairman Butana Komphela was adamant yesterday that only "bona fide" people should represent South Africa in its national teams - not foreign players.

    Komphela vowed to have SA Rugby charged for "illegally" fielding Mtawarira and to deport him to Zimbabwe.
    full story from IOL here

  7. #6
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    as per usual, government is flexing its muscle in the wrong areas.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by twinscythe12332 View Post
    as per usual, government is flexing its muscle in the wrong areas.
    Yes, the government is wanting to show they are boss. When this started last year that was tehir whole issue, that everyone must follow the procedures and now they want to make a stand.
    As to England - they tend to have more foreigners than england born players ij the cricket team at any given time. In fact at one stage the England team did not have a single English born player. That team contained our own Alan Lamb, Neal Radford, and the 2 Smith Brothers.

    Of course the question is if Ronaldo or Hnery arrived tomorrow looking to play for Bafanna in the World Cup 2010, what would happen.
    Anthony Sterne
    DISCLAIMER The above is merely a comment in discussion form and an open public arena. It does not constitute a legal opinion or professional advice in any manner or form.

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