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Thread: Jeremy Clarkson on Joburg

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Jeremy Clarkson on Joburg

    Jeremy Clarkson is well known for his interesting car reviews on Top Gear. But his review of Johannesburg is pretty interesting too.

    It might have turned out a little differently if he had been mugged, but his point on his failed quest for a cheap AK47 does tend to make the point that Joburg's rep as one of the most violent cities in the world might, indeed, have something to do with saving the lions in Kruger.

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    BBBEE_CompSpec (09-Nov-09)

  3. #2
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    I think this is one of the greatest stories to come out in a long time. I see it was written earlier this year - Why has it only surfaced now? We need some more home truths for the tourists and for ourselves. We keep telling the tourists the same thing and that our cities are no different to any other in the world. Just be aware of your surroundings just like you would in your home town and you will get by. Havnt lost one yet or had any eaten by lions.
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    BBBEE_CompSpec (09-Nov-09)

  5. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Having shown my neighbour and good friend Jeremy Clarkson's story yesterday afternoon, a thing that I have been doing to all and sundry since I read it, I am now not so sure this is a good thing. You see, last night while at his friends house in Durban, three masked gunmen burst in, held them up, took all their valuables and left them shocked and shaken, locked in the bedrooms.

    So what?... you you might ask, this is a common scenario and you may not be a true South African unless this has happened to you.

    Well the problem here is that this good friend is the tour manager and promoter for a number of concerts and events that happen in this country, working with Atie Van Wyk from Big Concerts. Chris de Burgh (who we are going to see here next week.) Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, Lionel Richie, Elton John to name just a few that have been organised through through him. He spends nine months of the year in the UK, USA and Germany organising and promoting South Africa. He is now talking about selling his house and just doing overseas stuff. His first email to his friends have already stated the obvious pissed off scenario. Cant imagine what the next ones to the business world will say. I believe an email is also on its way to Mr Clarkson to tell him to stop talking crap and get on with the car thing rather.

    Now Durban has enough trouble trying to arrange a concert of any nature. I wonder what effect this have on that industry, in trying to get top names to come out to SA never mind Durban. It is ok when it is someone else, but when it is one of your own.......?

    Just another this case I think one had better add a few zeros on to get the true relation of crime Vs future tourism and now big names in the entertainment world. And yes I am also pissed off not only at the situation but because of the future loss of potential revenue.
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  6. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    We just need to let Jeremy Clarkson know where he could buy a cheap AK47 next time he's out here to seal the deal.

  7. #5
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    He's a lovable idiot but still an idiot.

  8. #6
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    The funny thing is that alot of the crimes I've been hearing about have to do with someone's house being broken into. Clarkson stayed at a hotel. I believe that for a fair and accurate test, he should be staying in a house =P

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