An extract from my new book - "The S M E Human Resources/Industrial Relations Toolkit" in it's 21st Edition Released in CD/DVD Format September 2009.
Performance documentation. In general, any personnel action such as discipline or dismissal may be defended from challenge if it was taken pursuant to a legitimate business justification. Poor performance is one such business justification. In any suit that challenges an adverse personnel action, the first piece of evidence that a Applicant’s attorney will ask for is the employee's past performance appraisals. If the case goes to CCMA/CDR, those appraisals will be enlarged and put on display for a Commissioner to scrutinize. They will also take them back committee to be reviewed in detail. It is therefore essential that performance appraisal be done fairly and consistently.
Nondiscriminatory. Unions and Legislation prohibiting employment discrimination are the main sources of legal concern for performance appraisal. Employees may allege that a promotion denial, layoff, dismissal or compensation action was illegally influenced by the employee's race, sex or age. Employers typically will turn to past performance appraisals to justify the action. If performance appraisals are not well documented or inconsistently applied, however, the employer's defense is weakened or destroyed.
A legally defensible performance appraisal system should contain the following elements:
____ 1. be in writing
____ 2. contain specific procedures
____ 3. specify documentation to be used and in what manner documentation is to be gathered
____ 4. include specific instructions for supervisors
____ 5. provide training for supervisors in how to evaluate and administer the system
____ 6. use standardized forms for related groups of employees
____ 7. establish objective and/or measurable job criteria
____ 8. be thoroughly communicated to employees
____ 9. be given formally at least on an annual basis
____ 10. evaluate specific work behavior and not personal traits
____ 11. periodically review the system.
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