One of my guys has just walked out what do I need to do, sms wise ect
One of my guys has just walked out what do I need to do, sms wise ect
In order to get proper advice you will have to give more detail, but in short : not much.
You now have to play a waiting game. There are complications for acting rashly. Where abouts in Jhb are you based? I could take forever answering this one.
Wait 5 days then serve a notice of hearing for absconding(send via registered post) Hold the hearing. Act accordingly. If he does not arrive for hearing it is normally advisable to send a second notice and give him a second shot to defend himself. If he returns, hold a hearing for leaving the workplace and/or insubordination depending on what happened. Drop me email if you need the papaerwork.
Dave A (27-Oct-09)
Sorry - it is possible that there was some form of argument and emotions lead to such actions. If you want him to continue working make a call or sms, and then dsicipline accordingly. If you do absconding and he attends hearing, then you are in a difficlult spot with regards to taking action for the behaviour issue.
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