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Thread: Chequebook collection at Standard Bank

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Chequebook collection at Standard Bank

    I've got this notice from Standard Bank today with my one of my business account statements -
    Chequebook collection processes to change in October 2009
    Update your cellphone number today!
    From 17 October 2009, we will notify you via SMS when your chequebook is ready for collection.

    Please ensure that we have your current cellphone number, so that we can send you an SMS:
    • When your chequebook is ready for collection;
    • To confirm the collection of your chequebook from the branch;
    • To advise you, after 60 days, that your chequebook is still awaiting collection.

    If you have changed your cellphone number or want to confirm that we have your correct number on file, simply call 0860 101 341 or next time you're in a branch, ask one of our consultants to check your details.

    90 days holding period
    To reduce the risk of fraud, your branch will store your chequebook for 90 days from 17 October 2009. If it is not collected within this time period it will be destroyed. If you have a chequebook waiting for you at your branch, please go along and collect it!

    Amendment to charging process
    Previously we charged for your chequebook on collection. From 17 October 2009 we will start charging for chequebooks upon order. The charge for chequebooks remains unchanged.

    No longer need a chequebook?
    To cancel your chequebook speak to a consultant the next time you visit your branch or call us on 0860 101 341.

    Please remember to bring your identity document along when you collect your chequebook.
    I see a few problems ahead. Not to mention the one big problem they're inadvertently admitting to.

    We don't write a lot of cheques. It might take me close to a year to use up a 40 cheque chequebook for my companies - and my personal chequebook lasts me years. Currently, when I need a chequebook, I fill out the folio and collect it at the bank; the bank ordered it (or made sure there's at least one in stock) when I got my last one so there is always one sitting available at the branch.

    Obviously no more. I can only conclude that the print order is only going to be made when I ask for the next chequebook in future. Goodness only knows what the lead time will need to be because the notice certainly doesn't say.

    Next - it's a form of destocking. And we're expected to pay in advance (on order as opposed to on delivery). Are the banks really that hard up for working capital?

    But the big one - given the stated reason they're basically admitting your chequebook is not safe at the bank!

    Wouldn't an SMS confirmation on when you collect a chequebook be enough? At least if I hadn't collected a chequebook the alarm could be raised.

    Are any other banks doing things this way already?

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    What if they had the wrong post box address and cell phone number, as was the case with my details - I would not know about the process at all.

    I am is easier to close and open accounts than it is to get the basic admin edited/changed data right. Just open a new account when you need a new chequebook - that way you can ensure that they have another bash at getting your details correct, you can actually suss out your bank and ask difficult questions which they would normally answer when you are an existing client, you have an opportunity to negotiate rates and stuff which they would normally laugh at. They smile at you and give you service. You only need your id and proof of address - it seems I needed more when going to the bank to change addresses which I did recently.
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  3. #3
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    as an insider, some comments:

    "Goodness only knows what the lead time will need to be because the notice certainly doesn't say"

    - this should be approximately 2 - 3 working days but varies from either of the Four linked Rothschild Houses...I mean Banks...

    "And we're expected to pay in advance (on order as opposed to on delivery"

    - Correct √ - Remember the post about collecting from debtors?...well, if someone doesn't bother to collect thier book and it goes to a little financial hell called "stock destruction"...rather make the clients pay in advance so you dont need to pay for your own created and destroyed should see the stock destruction taking place when you have over 6 million clients...

    "they're basically admitting your chequebook is not safe at the bank!"

    I assume it's from this statement : "To reduce the risk of fraud, your branch will store your chequebook for 90 days from 17 October 2009. If it is not collected within this time period it will be destroyed. If you have a chequebook waiting for you at your branch, please go along and collect it!"

    Once again: over 6 million clients, and over 32000 really don't wanna leave this kinda sh]t lying around for too gotta give human nature a hand....

    "Wouldn't an SMS confirmation on when you collect a chequebook be enough? At least if I hadn't collected a chequebook the alarm could be raised."

    Nah...this is better:
    (1) When your chequebook is ready for collection - once you've ordered, you then know it's there...people get hacked if they go and it's not there and teller says "Did you get your sms to collect"...client says ""...and they say "Get a life"...

    (2) To confirm the collection of your chequebook from the branch - it's always good to know when a fraudster has collected your chequebook/card/cash from your Bank so you can report it...[i know, that shouldn't happen, but if armaggeddon will, this does]

    Special note for point (2) above: Some individual's lives are solely purposed to search means to clone your identity (book) & sim card, present themselves AS YOU, REGULARLY and, as many different clients, at YOUR and other Banks, and take all you a way of little vultures praying off system code loopholes...blah blah blah....little hackers like pilot fish on a shark....blah blah....

    (3) To advise you, after 60 days, that your chequebook is still awaiting collection - Just letting you know you've wasted YOUR money but could still come and make use of it...often people forget what they asked for...and forget it's coming...

    Yeah...other houses do this too...
    Last edited by Frankincense; 19-Oct-09 at 07:42 PM.

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (19-Oct-09)

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