Chequebook collection processes to change in October 2009
Update your cellphone number today!
From 17 October 2009, we will notify you via SMS when your chequebook is ready for collection.
Please ensure that we have your current cellphone number, so that we can send you an SMS:
- When your chequebook is ready for collection;
- To confirm the collection of your chequebook from the branch;
- To advise you, after 60 days, that your chequebook is still awaiting collection.
If you have changed your cellphone number or want to confirm that we have your correct number on file, simply call 0860 101 341 or next time you're in a branch, ask one of our consultants to check your details.
90 days holding period
To reduce the risk of fraud, your branch will store your chequebook for 90 days from 17 October 2009. If it is not collected within this time period it will be destroyed. If you have a chequebook waiting for you at your branch, please go along and collect it!
Amendment to charging process
Previously we charged for your chequebook on collection. From 17 October 2009 we will start charging for chequebooks upon order. The charge for chequebooks remains unchanged.
No longer need a chequebook?
To cancel your chequebook speak to a consultant the next time you visit your branch or call us on 0860 101 341.
Please remember to bring your identity document along when you collect your chequebook.
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