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I got a security rating of 80% (good). How did you go?
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
I got 99%, but that's probably cause I chose Firefox over Internet Explorer![]()
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Yeah - I was probably too honest. There were some questions where I knew I shouldn't be putting what I did as I know they aren't best practice. But I wanted to know where I stood, and overall - not that bad.
Throw in that I compensate for some of those weaknesses in ways they didn't ask about and...
If you're using the web, you're never 100% safe really if you think about it.
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
I got good as well (88%). have a feeling the unsecured wireless networkI have running at home nailed me for it lol
ran through it again with security on the wireless enabled and got 91%
Got 90% I think it might have something to do with my OS and the “Social sights” but other than that I know my PC is a piece of junk!
I wonder if you get a more technical questionnaire![]()
Watching the ships passing by.
I did it a few times with variations along the lines that I thought would get a good rating - with my real answers I got 86% with my best guesses I only got a 90% - so have no idea what drives this questionnaire.
94% but I think that was because I'm still running XPPro.
Same, also 94%, and also XP Pro. And no IE and no OutLook. It seems this test trys to steer people away from M$ products ... maybe not a bad idea seeing as most attacks happen to M$ stuff. Not necessarily because they're easier to break, but because there's more incentive to break them (more proliferant & even some would do it just to get one back at M$).
Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
And central banks are the slave clearing houses
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