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Thread: VAT returns

  1. #1
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    VAT returns

    Hi Everyone,

    Quick Question on VAT. I am in the process of registering for VAT but already incuring VAT expenses.

    Can i claim back the VAT for these expenses when the VAT registration comes through even thought the registration date for VAT will be after the actual incured expenses.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    In your first return you can claim input VAT for your stocks and (VAT allowable) assets that are already on the company's books.

  3. #3
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    If I remember correctly, you can back date the actual registration date for the VAT, and you can claim all VAT from the date you wish to register for VAT on the actual reg forms.
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  4. #4
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    What can a company claim VAT back for as input VAT.

    Rental of business premesis ?
    Bank Fees ?
    labour broker fees ?
    Insurance fees ?

    I am really lost around this area of VAT claims.

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I was going to say: "As long as you get a tax invoice, all of the above " But that isn't quite true.

    For example banks don't send a tax invoice; they indicate VAT included charges on their bank statement - and with insurance VAT is covered in the contract, but once again I don't get a monthly tax invoice. Despite this they're claimable, though.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWalker View Post
    What can a company claim VAT back for as input VAT.

    Rental of business premesis ?
    Bank Fees ?
    labour broker fees ?
    Insurance fees ?

    I am really lost around this area of VAT claims.
    All of the above. Just ensure that you do receive an invoice for labour broker fees, and that the broker is registered for Vat.If not, you cannot claim.

    You however can claim vat input expenses, below R200.00 without an invoice. SARS allows you to get away with it. If however your R200 claims amount to more than R1000.00, SARS will insist on invoices on all the amounts.
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  7. #7
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    Also you must remember ... VAT can only be claimable on something that is directly attributable to the earning of income. So Insurance you can argue is in the earning of income because you are protecting your trading stock, computer equipment, etc ... same applies to say security. However, if you had to buy a coffee machine, you couldn't claim VAT on that because it is not a all attributable to earning income.

    Another more confusing example ... I was told by my lecturers, that Edcon for example, have to apportion their VAT claims on IT equipment to directly attributable to income. For example ... it could be argued that 80% of a till point is used in the production of income, but 20% of it is admin ... therefore you can only claim 80% VAT.

    This will not be looked at in small companies, but in the big multi billions, it will. VAT can get VERY confusing.
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  8. #8
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eitai2001 View Post
    However, if you had to buy a coffee machine, you couldn't claim VAT on that because it is not a all attributable to earning income.
    That depends who the coffee machine is for, surely. If it is for staff use, no claim. But for customers... my understanding is you can claim the VAT portion of entertainment expenses actually spent on your clients.

    When it comes to entertainment the bill generally includes the cost of the sales rep, so we don't bother trying to split out and claim VAT on the clients' portion of the bill. But in theory you can. Please correct me if I'm mistaken because who knows, one day it might seem worth it after all (or somebody else reading this might get the wrong idea).

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    That depends who the coffee machine is for, surely. If it is for staff use, no claim. But for customers... my understanding is you can claim the VAT portion of entertainment expenses actually spent on your clients.

    When it comes to entertainment the bill generally includes the cost of the sales rep, so we don't bother trying to split out and claim VAT on the clients' portion of the bill. But in theory you can. Please correct me if I'm mistaken because who knows, one day it might seem worth it after all (or somebody else reading this might get the wrong idea).
    I'm not 100% sure what you say in terms of VAT, but you are not allowed to claim entertainment expenses, even on clients unless the salesperson's remuneration is > 50% commission. I have been out of tax for nearly a year though, so you may correct me if I'm wrong ... but I think I am remembering correctly.
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  10. #10
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    Wow guys and gals, thanks for all the usefull information i really appreciate it.

    So how do you claim VAT on e.g. insurance etc... where you dont get an invoice as such ?

    Thanks in advance

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