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  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Are banks really your best friend? When it comes to property we all know it is expensive and basically impossible to own because you don’t have the cash. These days the same can be said about cars but I am not going into that just yet.

    Here is my problem, when a bank gives you a home loan there investment will grow and basically double their money. Now have a good look at your investments at the bank it doesn’t double and you pay tax on your investment so you lose.

    The question now is why is property so expensive? I cannot answer that question just yet but take in consideration that all property “developments, sale, resale and anything to do with property gets processed by the banks thus property gets expensive because there is only one real benefactor “the bank”

    Sadly the same is true with cars. Especially cars that is still relativity new. One car a simple R56000 car can have up to 4 owners but in the end of its life the bank would have owned it at least 4 times. So again the bank is the only benefactor.

    My question is when it comes to owning property, is it possible to keep the bank out of the loop? The answer is no... “I stand to be corrected on this” but as I see it the bank is part of everything you do and anything you do at the bank cost you money so basically the bank cannot lose. Only we can lose... why is that? “Now before you give me the “that is how it is” lecture” think about this, if every South African gives the bank R1 everyday of our lives how can there be a recession?

    The money is there but we are not benefitting from it.

  2. #2
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    Excellent post TEC0! This forum is full of people who are suspicious about banks, and they have all the right to be... Banks are at the centre of the worlds financial problems. True, we cannot always blame banks and it is time we take responsibility for our own finances. Its at the "taking responsibility" level where I am ridiculed for being "paranoid".

    But lets face it. Banks are actually behind inflation. The constant increase in bank charges/ costs(not only interest), forces businesses to find the money elsewhere(price increases).

    And you right, banks are manipulating the property market, making it next to impossible for newly wed couples, to find a home.They profit greatly out of the housing market(and other types of financing).

    The charges extracted from the populace and business, borders on the immoral. Take your bond, vehicle repayments+ interest+ admin fees+ charges plus bank charges on business and personal accounts, credit cards etc,and the 400% increases, then it becomes clear to all and sundry, that we actually slaves to the banks!

    And money is in abundance, just not equally spread. 90% of the world wealth in the hands of 1% of the population, and 10% in the rest!
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Great topic! Banks seem to be an unavoidable service nowadays.

    Interest charges (or discounts for those banks who don't use the interest model) is probably unavoidable as there needs to be some return for the people putting up the money. But supply and demand does a reasonable job of establishing that balance...
    Quote Originally Posted by sgafc View Post
    True, we cannot always blame banks and it is time we take responsibility for our own finances. Its at the "taking responsibility" level where I am ridiculed for being "paranoid".
    Don't let that stop you, Sean. It's the only way I can see to shift the numbers.

    Like Sean, I feel the abuse factor is in the charges. The introduction of an admin fee on credit agreements was pure opportunism (thank you government for opening that door with the NCA - as if the banks weren't creative enough with their fees already ).

    Perhaps the real problem when it comes to padded charges is not enough competition?

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Bank = Necessary evil.

    Besides BS charges and run around, heres another scenario - your personal data.

    Every time I have phoned any bank where I have an account they ask 20 questions and do the run around to verify who you are. Now this week Standard bank 'froze' my business credit cards as they tell me there was a transaction that was not 'authorised'. The 'authorisation' is in the form of a call to my cell phone to see if its me that using the card. Eventually I discover that one of the digits on the cell number they have is incorrect and they therefore did not verify the transaction. They did not bother to follow up and just left the situation hanging, waiting for a pissed off customer to phone in and query what is going on. Subsequently, after three calls to the bank this morning, I discover that my landline number is also incorrect as is my postal address.

    Their solution is for me to go into the bank and sort this out. My details have been the same for the past 10 years - they manage to send me a statement every month and I have called them and had to verify data many times.

    How is it that Standard Bank after 10 years of being with them, suddenly have 'incorrect' data on their system?
    How is it that this became my fault and my job to fix it?
    How is that Standard Bank 'team leaders'/BS artists do not have an answer for this?
    How is that these people believe that another phone call and endless questions on who you are and whether you farted this morning can give you a warm feeling that all is ok now?

    Nedbank want to know even more information about you, your wife and kids on a blatant marketing update every time you call them, where they use fica as an excuse. Nedbank sells your to insurance companies and who knows who else for spam purposes; absa gave away confidential information to whoever asks; now standard bank has a dodgy database.

    It should be us verifying our banks and their credentials everytime we speak to them - not the other way round.
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Yes. This is a true scenario and a really big problem. Not too long ago I had to supply the bank with “prove of residence” However the one morning I had real trouble with my bank-account. They are clearly “understaffed” and all that. But, if you want to start trouble just ask the person that is helping you to verify their certification so that “YOU” the customer knows that the person that is helping you is indeed certified. “The stories you get is beyond belief!”

    Secondly I find that some banks “That I will not name” have real trouble with people that wants to do banking in their own language. Now the language thing is to avoid misinformation and misunderstandings to name but a few reasons. The sad thing is “YOU” are the customer but it doesn’t feel like it. You are treated like a criminal and you never have a good experience! EVER!

    Lastly about your phone numbers that is not correct. The bank IS able to see when that information was modified and by whom! Make no mistake the system is designed that way and if they cannot provide you with that information then you will probably have real trouble in the future.

    My advice is “take control” and give your bank HELL if there is something wrong.

  6. #6
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I am not going to pretend that I understand the inner most sinister workings of a bank but I really do not understand inflation. And I cannot understand why inflation exists. All I do know is our buying power is really not that strong and since 1989 upwards our buying power diminished to what it is today. A R100 can buy you a pizza.

    Now, my novice understanding of inflation is that it weakens our buying power thus we need to spend more money on the same products. If we used currency like gold or silver inflation cannot really exist because it is connected to the scarcity of gold and silver. So I ask you, what contributing factor allowed inflation to exist in the first place.

    Still before one points at the banks and there mechanics, note that ALL currency is the banks property to start with. So if the money is in the bank and it is the banks property it is stronger by default, because the bank urns larger amounts on their investments then what we can.

    The second scenario is the money itself and this bit I really, really don’t get. Inflation eats away at our buying power so we need more “physical money” and because there is more physical money its value will go down thus we end up in a losing battle.

    Now if we look at the pointers:

    A> Inflation (why does it exist)
    B> Home loans (Never structured in our best interest)
    C> Personal Investments (Never earning as much as the bank does)

    Why do we need this system? I answer we need the security and ability to borrow money because it is impossible to own property otherwise. Knowing that the banks are behind the property mark-up they basically created the need for home-loans to start with so that they can profit from us??? Nice.

  7. #7
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    far from the original "hey, could you keep this for me please" that originally happened with blacksmiths, that's for sure.

  8. #8
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    My basic strategy is to have the bank attend to my banking and asset financing needs - and all the other stuff goes elsewhere.

    It doesn't stop them from trying to upsell me fairly reguarly, but all it takes is a clear "no thanks."

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  10. #9
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    The problem is when you look at banks in general, they want you to think they are “reasonable” and if you look at the advertisements on television the image they are selling shows smiling happy faces and all is well with the world.

    In all, I want to unmask the “happy smiley face” and show all, who and what banks really are. They are mechanical in nature and have a calculator for a soul. See the point of this exercise is I want people to question why it is that banks get almost “double” their money back with home loans and all that, I want people to ask why must I buy a new car if the bank is owning it in the end of the day.

    I want to see people planning their budgets without overdrafts, credit-cards and personal loans. See to invest in your own financial future is to plain around structures and find new ways to invest in sound solutions other then banks...

    Banks will only treat us with respect and fairness if we show them that we can work around them otherwise you will get what you get now: Bad service, poor investment growth, impossible to pay back home loans and massif banking fees”

  11. #10
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    the advertisements on television the image they are selling shows smiling happy faces and all is well with the world.
    Lately I have noticed all the alcohol advertising on TV is showing happy, smiling alert people enjoying the product - this is SO unrealistic - where's the droopy eyes, slurred speech, 'him' all over 'her' like a bulldog drooling over the porridge, the cheap pickup lines, and a host of other effects of the product ?

    I suppose they're selling the desire for happiness, not truth - just like the bank ads.
    Watching the ships passing by.

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