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Thread: Banks.

  1. #21
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well I always thought that if you look at the total income of a bank on any given day that, that amount would suffice. Not so? Take into perspective that the bank is taking R1 from every client at any given transaction. Now that is a lot of money on its own, but I am sure that the bank invests that money in hopes to make more...

    If the banks say they have to pay their "staff" it is a lie. Go into any bank and you will find that they are operating on half the staff or there is simply not enough staff to process the clients or their needs.

    Now underperforming investments, is it just a bad investment or is the bank that is just taking too much in the from of charges? Considering the money that IS being generated trough there “ease of access” why can’t investments be more rewarding...

    Fact is all of us must look at investments in the form of life-cover, insurance and the most important of all funds; the retirement funds. We all need these “investments” but the banks are taking from these “investments” in the name of “services” but again what service?

    Now the second problem is “independent” investment groups, we are all scared of them because they might be a “here today but gone tomorrow scenario” so do we use banks because of low risk or do we use banks for “ease of access”. Face it we are paying for the “low” risk factor...

  2. #22
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    ...Banks are there to facilitate all your "buying and selling"...or in modern terms "transactions"....

    ...Investment Houses (although Banks offer this too)...are for Investing

    ... you need a bank account to do the transfer to the investment account anyways...


    ..odd how some think you can have the one without the other, isn't it...some may call that folly in this time.....

    "Well then maybe it is time to see we can work around banks. Impossible right... wrong"

    No man shall work around a bank in order to obtain money through investment wealth, as the very lubricant to keep the debits & credits of all investments are Transactional Bank founded...sorry guys....

    666 time....

    As mentioned - Total Tetragrammaton exile is all that will do, and that certainly does not include generating vasts amount of investment wealth by attempting to bypass the facilitator...

  3. #23
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    So in the end we are dependant of banks... Still, consider that SARS can now basically access your bank and do checks and stuff to make sure you paid “THEM” a lot of people “not necessary dishonest people” are looking at other ways to do business on a “cash only” bases to avoid bank charges “mostly” also I know that “certified legal diamonds” is a popular investment choice.

    In the end we must also consider “system abuse” by those who have access to your funds. IT is scary to know that someone you don’t know “CAN” view your bank details....

  4. #24
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    And never get them to draw up, execute and administer your will for you.
    They are only interested in what you may owe them and how much commission they can earn from administering your estate, if you die they will see that they get their money first then they worry about your widow and kids.
    They will be quite happy to lend your widow your money and charge her interest on it for the short term, but only if they see that their is plenty to go around.
    If you leave a rather large estate, they will administer it to the hilt before winding it all up.
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  5. #25
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    My basic strategy is to have the bank attend to my banking and asset financing needs - and all the other stuff goes elsewhere.

    It doesn't stop them from trying to upsell me fairly reguarly, but all it takes is a clear "no thanks."

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    Frankincense (21-Oct-09)

  7. #26
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    The problem is when you look at banks in general, they want you to think they are “reasonable” and if you look at the advertisements on television the image they are selling shows smiling happy faces and all is well with the world.

    In all, I want to unmask the “happy smiley face” and show all, who and what banks really are. They are mechanical in nature and have a calculator for a soul. See the point of this exercise is I want people to question why it is that banks get almost “double” their money back with home loans and all that, I want people to ask why must I buy a new car if the bank is owning it in the end of the day.

    I want to see people planning their budgets without overdrafts, credit-cards and personal loans. See to invest in your own financial future is to plain around structures and find new ways to invest in sound solutions other then banks...

    Banks will only treat us with respect and fairness if we show them that we can work around them otherwise you will get what you get now: Bad service, poor investment growth, impossible to pay back home loans and massif banking fees”

  8. #27
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    the advertisements on television the image they are selling shows smiling happy faces and all is well with the world.
    Lately I have noticed all the alcohol advertising on TV is showing happy, smiling alert people enjoying the product - this is SO unrealistic - where's the droopy eyes, slurred speech, 'him' all over 'her' like a bulldog drooling over the porridge, the cheap pickup lines, and a host of other effects of the product ?

    I suppose they're selling the desire for happiness, not truth - just like the bank ads.
    Watching the ships passing by.

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    Dave A (22-Oct-09)

  10. #28
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Yes, advertisements don’t get me started on that! You know the one where with “the helicopter” rescue and then they flash faces of children and then “the flat-line” I hate that damn advert! It is worse than black mail because “your children will die if you don’t use them!!!!!!!!!” IT just pisses off so badly because it is NOT dealing with reality it is benefiting from a crippled health care system. It is disgusting and wrong. I am actually considering seeing a psychiatrist because I freak out when I see that advertisement. I just can’t handle it!

    Also as for banks why not show and advertisement of mom and dad being kicked out of their homes and their cars being taken and families being torn apart!
    Last edited by tec0; 23-Oct-09 at 10:33 AM.

  11. #29
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    Yes, advertisements don’t get me started on that! You know the one where with “the helicopter” rescue and then they flash faces of children and then “the flat-line” I hate that damn advert! It is worse than black mail because “your children will die if you don’t use them!!!!!!!!!”
    Because selling on people's fears work
    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    Also as for banks why not show and advertisement of mom and dad being kicked out of their homes and their cars being taken and families being torn apart!
    Except it's not a good idea in this case.

  12. #30
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Eventually people will wise up and banks will have to reconsider their attitude towards their customers. The tables will turn jobs will be crated and the economy will stabilise “hopefully before the end of the word on 2012” What then? Will you still want to use a bank that have blacklisted thousands of people? Will you still use a bank that took your home or car? NO...

    Truth is, Banks did indeed damage their own image and hopefully they will pay the price. Still with Eskom’s evil plans to push the power price up by 45% may hinder critical industrial growth and then there is the question of our agricultural stability and ability to sustain... Land value is at a premium and yet our farmers are fighting a losing battle with both governments and banks.

    Ask yourself this important question: Why is there no plans of a massif water treatment facility to purify enough sea water for agricultural use? We see the government actively “reallocating farming recourses but they are doing little for sustainability.

    As for the banks, how is this effecting cash-flow, when it is impossible to finance farmland privately?

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