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Thread: Spare a thought for John Hlophe

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Spare a thought for John Hlophe

    Judge President John Hlophe appears before the JSC tomorrow in his bid to become a Consitutional Court judge. If these two stories, How will Hlophe answer? and Fit to judge? are anything to go by, he could be in for a testing time.

    But then so is the JSC. I think their conduct is going to enjoy a fair amount of scrutiny too.

    Who'd want to be any of them tomorrow.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Oh well. Hlophe didn't make it to the short list.

    Congratulations to the seven that did

    Does that restore some faith in the JSC?

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    I think a judge, and especially a high court/constitutional one should be well above the waterline when it comes to any funny doings and screwings. Mr Hlophe appears to have a fair spread of dubious doings and been in the firing line a few too many times (like once is more than enough nut I do not know the tally here). For the justice system to seem to be floundering on these weighty issues shows undercurrents, politics, uncertainty and certainly a system that becomes questionable. At a time where politics is taking its toll on all fronts, I think he should do the graceful thing and resign from all senior positions, practice law properly and then gain the respect that he appears to have lost.

    I trust the new judges when appointed, are squeaky clean and do the right thing at the top there for us all.
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