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Thread: 'Oh Dear' - Semenya

  1. #1
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    'Oh Dear' - Semenya

    WORLD athletics is in crisis over the gender of Caster Semenya after tests revealed the South African world champion has no womb or ovaries.
    "Basically they (ASA) have known for months, for years, that she's not normal. They could have set in process these kind of tests if they had been more responsible.''
    Full story here -

    Looks like some poeple might end up with egg on their face.
    Remember the Ark was built by Amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.
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  3. #2
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    This is sad in a way, however I do feel that the sensitivity of the subject could have been handled better. Still if she is physically stronger then a normal woman then there is no real competition in the end. But I wonder why now... fact is they could have done “the test” a long time ago and all of this “including the indignity” could have been avoided. I hope the system learns a valuable lesson here.

  4. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Looks like some poeple might end up with egg on their face.
    A lot of people, frankly. From journalists, to politicians, Athletics South Africa, perhaps even the IAAF if this is true:
    "Well of course Caster is a totally innocent victim in this whole affair,'' the source explained. "What could she do about it? And the IAAF accepted her entry. So the two parties at fault are the IAAF and especially Athletics SA. The South Africans have got a massive responsibility, but no one seems to be attacking them.

    "Basically they (ASA) have known for months, for years, that she's not normal. They could have set in process these kind of tests if they had been more responsible.''
    I'd guess whether Caster keeps her medal depends on the rule book. The finding, after all, is quite a gender bender. And rules are rules. If they're not clearly defined enough to declare her not a woman, tough - she keeps the medal. If they are clear enough, tough - she loses it.

    But the hysterical response around the whole issue is the real embarrassment to my mind.

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    So ASA definitely knew before going to Berlin:
    Athletics South Africa (ASA) president Leonard Chuene admitted on Saturday that he refused to accept advice from ASA team doctor Harold Adams to withdraw Caster Semenya from the world athletics championships in Berlin last month.

    Chuene also admitted that he had lied to the South African public about not having any knowledge of gender tests conducted on Semenya in Pretoria last month.

    He added that ASA's deception on the matter was intended to protect Semenya's confidentiality.

    "I now realise that it was an error of judgement and I would like to apologise unconditionally. As president of ASA I will not, however, apologise for allowing caster Semenya to run or for protecting her privacy.

    "We fully agree that we could have handled this matter differently but something like this has never happened in this country before and we at ASA believe we acted in the best interests of the athlete," he said.
    full story from M&G here

  6. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well two wrongs don’t make a right. And I don’t belief it for a second. Their behaviour before the tests is telling a different story.

  7. #6
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    It is not wrong to cheat!
    It is wrong to get caught cheating!

    If you are caught cheating you are innocent until proven guilty, in the mean time play the 'Race Card' get as many politicians as possible to obfuscate the problem by shouting to drown the questions, maybe the problem will go away.

    When you are about to get proven guilty, apologise, after all this is Africa where it is better to apologise after rather than ask for permission before, apeal to the other persons 'Ubuntu'

    At no time offer to resign for causing a scandal, then, to ease your concience play the 'Race Card' one more time.
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  8. #7
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    I think that they are ruining a young persons life...they should be ashamed. No politics, no amount of gold, no jostling for power, nothing should take precedence over this 18 year old kids right to privacy and respect. I am appalled by all of this.


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  9. #8
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Now a still employed Mr Chuene enjoys his position as a result of all his 'long and dedicated service'.

    Despite rumours of being in serious financial condition, lack of sponsorship (well Nedbank pulled out didn't they when the S&%t hit the fan - they pull out through lack of interest), expense mismanagement and no audited financial statements he bats on regardless but not rewardless. His monthly salary and trips around the world at the expense of this 'non-profit' organisation in deep financial trouble are being questioned now.

    I didn't see a stat that should by now have its own line in the latest criminal statistics:-
    • Murder...........................increase
    • Robbery..........................bigger increase
    • Mayhem..........................upcoming increase
    • White colllar crime.............unknown increase
    • Blue collar crime................other unknown increase
    • Political and related crimes...biggest increase just not reportable at the present time
    The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
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  10. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Dr Simon Dlamini, chairman of the board's finance committee, said the "whole issue is (because) the girl broke the record (of) Zola Budd".

    "There are people out there who are walking along a racial path; we unify the community and they break it apart."
    right at the end of this article on IOL
    Say what!? What the heck does Zola Budd have to do with this?

  11. #10
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    No wonder this country cant move forward.
    Remember the Ark was built by Amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.
    Business isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

    Marine Aquariums SA

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