Can you please advise me what I must do about this problem I have.
I have been a member of a cc since march 08 and have only now found out that I am supposed to pay paye and uif on what I have been getting every month (the staff's paye and uif are done every month as per law). I was told (and stupidly believed) that as a member, you were not taxed but I have now found out differently. What do I do as I have been receiving a set amount every month and have not paid paye or uif. I am so scared as I do not want any trouble and I admit, I do not know much about this kind of thing but I need to do the right thing and carry on the right way, so if anyone can help me and tell me what I must do, I would really appreciate it as it is keeping me awake at night. I travel about 120km a day to and from work, but the company pays my petrol. What rebates or deductions can I claim on my VAT form when I complete it. I do complete one every month but it is only the basic information (sales, purchases). I have read up on the sars website but I want to know if someone can simplify it for me as I get confused when reading up what sars has and when I contact them, it is just as bad. I do not want to misunderstand again and make another mistake.
Please help, I am really desperate for some one to explain it in simple form to me (trust me, I have been to the websites and still am very confused) about the VAT completion and what I need to do about my own paye and uif. I do not want to find out that I have been doing things wrong when it is to late to do something about it. It is only a small business so we do not have the finances to employ a bookkeeper as yet so I have to do it all myself.
Much appreciated and gratefull for any help at all.
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