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Thread: When is asking too little Asking too much?

  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    When is asking too little Asking too much?

    It has come to this; I have to make a decision today that will ultimately change everything in my life. In the past forums I practically begged for some kind of education. Knowing now that Unisa will not accept me and that the colleges don’t want to allow us a part time N3 classes I have no choice.

    The work we will be doing is horribly dangerous and there is no safety to speak of. Basically it is out of the country and the place we are going is dangerous in its own right. I have to do all of this because I cannot get over the R2500 per month salary with no benefits to speak of.

    The job at hand is a bit more lucrative but it is dangerous and we have no formal training so there is no guarantees. I find it sad that it has come to this. South Africa the land of change cannot provide the most basic of needs when it comes to education and giving adults a change in life to better themselves.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    tec0, you lost me .....
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    When is asking too little asking too much?
    When it's asking for more than they have to give.

    That doesn't stop a lot of people, and it doesn't have to stop you.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Tec0 - its now past your deadline for this dramatic change in your life.

    Maybe you can fill us in a bit more with what you actually do/want to do and what education you are looking for? What was this decision you had to make?

    From your cryptic post, it looks like you are either a mercenary or spy looking for a college degree.
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well to start from the beginning I am stuck in IT for the moment and because I only have a st8 UNISA refused me the chance to study with them. The colleges in our aria only provide for students that already past at least 1 subject in N3 and if nothing else they do no longer provide for new students to enrol for night classes. To cut a long story short my st8 is making sure that none will accept you to study for anything! So I did my studies in safety as it was the only subject that I could study and qualified. But there is a catch no-one is interested because I have no experience they want 5 years minimum. So I thought I do a lot of electrical work “outside the country” so I will study for it because I have a good background on the subject. But again there is no chance because the only training facility “CTC” in our aria do not provide training for individuals basically the company you work for must enrol you. So now I can go and do rigging and electrical work outside the country and get paid a good amount of money but in short you are still “unschooled and unqualified” so when come back to South Africa you end up with the same scenario.

    But the real joke is UNISA that also refused me computer studies! But I am an IT technician! Wonder full stuff that one!

  6. #6
    Email problem
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    Read your dilema. Have you tried collegues outside your area? Or do you have a transport problem? And why only a std8?
    You also said you are going to work outside the country doing oil riggs and electrical work. Do you not see it as experiance? It is something to put on a cv and with a good referance you can open doors later. Sometime in life we cant start on the page we want we have start at the begining. Be excited you dont know whats coming next.

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  8. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carm View Post
    It is something to put on a cv and with a good referance you can open doors later. Sometime in life we cant start on the page we want we have start at the begining. Be excited you dont know whats coming next.
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  9. #8
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    hey tec0, I understand completely where you're coming from, but I want to say this: think outside of the box!

    My dad also only has Std.8, and he's 54 years now and has one of the highest paying positions in his industry. He basically taught himself and worked himself up in one of the largest mining groups in the world as on of the top mechanical managers in the group.

    Bill Gates also didn't make varsity, and look where he is. Don't take this the wrong way, but a piece of paper isn't everything. And you shouldn't think of it as the only way to reach your goals, and become successful in what you want todo. In fact, with technology advancing so quickly, it's very difficult for many qualified IT people to stay on top of things, without having to study year after year.

    Decide what you want to achieve, and get other resources to teach / train you in that. The internet has vasts amounts of resources to learn anything, and everything you can think of.
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