I am still trying to understand the marketing concepts that are being used out there with regard to call centers. Every time I get a 'cold call' from one of them, there seems to be some new issue that just shouldn't be.
This morning I get a call....
'Good morning this is fred from adt security'
'Good morning' says I, thankful to receive a proper introduction that did not start off by...'and I'm talkiiiiinggg tooo???"
"Are you an adt customer?' he says ' cause we are selling this promotion'
So ask him....'you don't know who your clients are?'
'No he says - I just have this list to call'.
So I tell him to ask his employers for a list of their customers to phone them rather than me.
Now surly if you are organising a promotion for your customers - you phone ...tra la ....your customers. You dont do a general phone everybody in the neighbourhood to firstly see if they are a customer and then flog them your wares. If you are selling some promo to new customers you also do not ask them first if they are a customer in the first place.
This is not the first time I have had this particular conversation so they have not taken into account my comments or scratched me off their lists.
It seems that marketing managers utilising these call centers have no idea how they operate, what scripts are being used and what level of competent telesales operators are going to represent their company.
Personally, if I do need the service being offered, I will go to the opposition that does not use these wasteful inane methods to drum up business.
While there must be some sort of favourable response from these call center operations (I assume or they would not do it), do you not think that the other 99% that have been pissed off, will create a bigger negative image for your product or brand?
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