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Thread: M Mdladlana condemns municipal strike violence acts

  1. #1
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    M Mdladlana condemns municipal strike violence acts

    Labour minister condemns violence by striking workers

    28 July 2009

    Labour minister, Membathisi Mdladlana has strongly condemned acts of violence that characterised the first day of the ongoing nationwide strike by municipal workers.

    The supposedly peaceful wage increment demonstrations deteriorated into chaos as scores of marchers were seen causing havoc-looting, harassing street vendors and spilling refuse on the streets in most of the country’s major cities yesterday.

    In a statement today, Mdladlana said the violent behaviour of a few people was not only tarnishing whatever genuine grievances that they had, but was also undermining the very good cause of their right to strike.

    “I call on all those involved in these unlawful actions to immediately observe discipline as they are demonising the real concerns of the majority of the workers. Violence can only harden attitudes,” he said.

    The strike is expected to continue today while the municipal workers are still considering a new offer made by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).

    Last edited by Dave A; 29-Jul-09 at 01:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Robot View Post
    In a statement today, Mdladlana said the violent behaviour of a few people was not only tarnishing whatever genuine grievances that they had, but was also undermining the very good cause of their right to strike.

    And while we're about it, why not acknowledge that the LRA is a failure? This strike should never have happened at all, let alone run for 3 days.

  3. #3
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    My husband is in South Africa at the moment and had a nightmare journey from the Kruger Park, whilst driving to Durban on Tuesday.
    Traffic was disrupted through towns whilst strikers blockaded roads, trashed and burned rubbish, and placing rocks in the road.
    He said it seemed as if the SAP were all "outside" the town, and did not seem prepared to take any part in "preventing" trouble, and that private security companies were assisting and diverting the traffic to protect travellers in most towns.


  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The South African Municipal Workers' Union (Samwu) on Wednesday dismissed criticism of its members trashing city streets as "class-based responses".

    "Part of any industrial action is to make visible what it is that workers do, to force an awareness on the public of the value of these workers, not just as producers of goods, but as human beings who have lives, who have families to support, who have dreams.

    "As a union we do not condone this action, but we at least try to understand it."

    The reaction of the media, some commentators such as Tim Modise, and, "sadly, some of our political allies", was misguided.

    This was an apparent reference to Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana's condemnation of the violent protests.
    full story from M&G here
    How's this for a class based response? I reckon SAMWU needs to look up the definition of vandalism in the dictionary

    But then I'm also under the (obviously misguided) impression that protest organisers are legally responsible for the damage to property caused during their protest marches.

    I can't see SAMWU appreciating the difference between "being visible" and "vandalism" until they're sent the bill.

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