Hi guys.
This is only my 2nd post here but I'm pleased to inform you that on the 5th of August 2009 at 18H30, I will on behalf of my firm VBK International be giving a free presentation tilted “The Consumer Protection Act and Your Business” at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Bellville Campus auditorium.
The presentation is for the benefit of business people, their respective employees as well as independent professionals, and will provide insight into the legal implications and compliance obligations imposed on businesses by the recently enacted Consumer Protection Act.
For full details and to RSVP you can click on the advert displayed at www.cput.ac.za, and for a profile on the firm VBK International you can visit www.vbkinternational.com
You can e-mail me directly at : vernon@vbkinternational.com with regard to any enquiries you may have with respect to the talk.
I look forward to your attendance.
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