To Whome it may concern:
Regardless of who you are, you have had dreams and aspirations that you would’ve liked to achieve with in your life but as we know life always has other plans on its mind.
I send this email in faith to ask not for pity but for you to help a team in the fastest growing sport on the face of the planet, Paintball, to reach there dream of winning the Asian World Cup 09’ which is to be held in Malaysia in November.(see attached players information pack)
Sadly the financial aspects are the stumbling block that is keeping us from winning the Cup for South Africa and that is the reason for this email.
If you are reading this then we as Team Cryptic have opted to represent your company, business or brand in front of an International media that will be covering the BIGGEST paintball event in the History of the PALS league, perhaps the world.
Our team plans to compete in Division 3 and there is another team from South Africa competing in Division 2, there for South Africa will be well represented however our team still needs the help in getting there first.
According to the tournament organizers the estimated budget of our expenses per player should be around R3000 to R3500, which covers everything except our Flights to and from Malaysia. (Around R7000 each) – This is our main problem as the team Should be able to pay for there personal playing expenses but at the current time we need help with the flights, problem being the closer it gets to the date the more flights go up.
The format for the tournament is 5man teams plus 2 reserves meaning 7players in total we however would only need 5players as we are spending this entire remaining year training and getting more than fit enough for the event.
If we could get help in any way possible we would be more than grateful. We are counting on the generosity of people to get us to the event and win it for our beautiful Country.
We will also be having events in order to raise money for the campaign.
Currently we do have a Facebook Group in which dates and venues will be made public as well as current developments and new sponsors names etc.
If a company, business or brand likes we will with pleasure have banners up in our team booth in Malaysia and will gladly have your logo on our custom playing shirt which will be printed soon, we will also do any advertising and marketing that is asked of us. As stated Paintball is the fastest growing sport on the face of the planet so help us help you advertise to a huge population of players and spectators.
We are, apart from the events, solely relying on donations to see us through.
Whether you donate 50c or R50,000 it all means something and we will be more than grateful.
Please do what you can and help us bring the Cup home for South Africa.
Thank you for reading and God bless you and everyone else involved.
Public donations are more than welcome.
Scotty “Da Slayer” Peek
Team Cryptic
PS Our name can be changed according to Governments and Sponsors specs.
Please go through the following to make a donation and not the organizers bank accounts on the attached event information pack (unless prior arranged with Scott).
We should have a bank account soon in the teams name.
Contact Details:
Cell – 0820760565
Email –
FaceBook –
Official Group –
Kind regards Scotty.
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