I find it interesting that mobile registration is not even a topic among everyday people. Well to put it bluntly our service providers are playing GOD. Now if a BANK cannot keep your information confidential then what hope does a service provider have in keeping your identity secure?
Then one must also ask: Who will have access to our private information? If anything a stalker or criminal will have it easy to intercept you and do what they please. Young people will especially be targeted.
Then there is a question to our right to privacy. Clearly if we have no rights anymore then we are no longer human thus we must question our government if we still live in a democracy. If you are a contract holder then yes your details is required however even a contract holder has a right to privacy.
Basically your service provider will stalk your e-mail, internet browsing, SMS, MMS and even listen in while you talk on the phone. They will do this without you knowing and collect evidence as they see fit. Then there is a question about your bank details. Most of us with internet banking know that your mobile phone will be send confidential information and that to will be screened by someone and that can be used to rob you blind.
If anything this is not a joke. Constitutional Rights is all we have as humans and if you’re right to privacy is the first to go what will the next one be? “The right to life?” All I am saying is don’t give in to these profit hungry bastards. They will target the torrent downloader and file share users first then they will go on and target anyone that SMS’s anything that is not to their liking or politically incorrect. Know also that they will be able to view any and all pictures or video’s that you send. Thus your family photos will become there exclusive property and they will be able to use it against you no matter how innocent your photo or Video clip was.
Again wake-up!! This is no joke people this is the end to your privacy as we know it. They want to control you as best they can so that they can force you to use only there overpriced services! The internet is our only true voice and without it we as humans will be lost to the Vendetta that is corruption and propaganda. I will rather burn my mobile phone then give some stalker my private information. Also the 3G users must demand contract termination due to this invasion of privacy!
Point blank if our mobile suppliers and government continue with these actions you can consider yourself a slave because your Constitutional Rights means nothing!
Yes I will agree that mobile registration can prevent crimes. However one must ask when is preventing crime itself criminal? Not every internet user is a criminal not every chatter is a stalker. And yes I do like to chat anonymously I find it nice. But now even that pleasure is stripped away thanks to this new law. I have no confidence in my service provider that they will be able to keep my information safe.
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