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Thread: Mobile registration

  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Exclamation Mobile registration

    I find it interesting that mobile registration is not even a topic among everyday people. Well to put it bluntly our service providers are playing GOD. Now if a BANK cannot keep your information confidential then what hope does a service provider have in keeping your identity secure?

    Then one must also ask: Who will have access to our private information? If anything a stalker or criminal will have it easy to intercept you and do what they please. Young people will especially be targeted.

    Then there is a question to our right to privacy. Clearly if we have no rights anymore then we are no longer human thus we must question our government if we still live in a democracy. If you are a contract holder then yes your details is required however even a contract holder has a right to privacy.

    Basically your service provider will stalk your e-mail, internet browsing, SMS, MMS and even listen in while you talk on the phone. They will do this without you knowing and collect evidence as they see fit. Then there is a question about your bank details. Most of us with internet banking know that your mobile phone will be send confidential information and that to will be screened by someone and that can be used to rob you blind.

    If anything this is not a joke. Constitutional Rights is all we have as humans and if you’re right to privacy is the first to go what will the next one be? “The right to life?” All I am saying is don’t give in to these profit hungry bastards. They will target the torrent downloader and file share users first then they will go on and target anyone that SMS’s anything that is not to their liking or politically incorrect. Know also that they will be able to view any and all pictures or video’s that you send. Thus your family photos will become there exclusive property and they will be able to use it against you no matter how innocent your photo or Video clip was.

    Again wake-up!! This is no joke people this is the end to your privacy as we know it. They want to control you as best they can so that they can force you to use only there overpriced services! The internet is our only true voice and without it we as humans will be lost to the Vendetta that is corruption and propaganda. I will rather burn my mobile phone then give some stalker my private information. Also the 3G users must demand contract termination due to this invasion of privacy!

    Point blank if our mobile suppliers and government continue with these actions you can consider yourself a slave because your Constitutional Rights means nothing!

    Yes I will agree that mobile registration can prevent crimes. However one must ask when is preventing crime itself criminal? Not every internet user is a criminal not every chatter is a stalker. And yes I do like to chat anonymously I find it nice. But now even that pleasure is stripped away thanks to this new law. I have no confidence in my service provider that they will be able to keep my information safe.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Yep. RICA seems to be more than just tracking who has the simcard.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well if anything people must question motive. To force registration shows that our government have the need to control our information. This action screams “New-World-Order” and those who knows conspiracies know that we will lose our liberties one at a time.

    If anything I see it as an attack on the South African people and soon we will no longer have any constitutional rights left.

    The act: To Provide for Facilitation and regulation for electronic communications and transactions; to provide for the development of a national e-strategy for the Republic; to promote universal access to electronic communication and transactions and the use of electronic transactions by SMMEs; to provide for human resource development in electronic transactions; to prevent abuse of information systems; to encourage the use of e-government servicers; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

    Well let us start with “to prevent abuse of information systems” The point of this act is to get personal information that will be used against the South African public. Also who will monitor the people that have a right to this information? How will government stop this system from being abused?

    Secondly “to promote universal access to electronic communication and transactions” Well there goes your privacy when it comes to internet banking, internet chat, internet transactions, forum postings, e-mail, SMS, MMS, conversations and general browsing. “I am sure I am forgetting something.” So you will be under permanent constant surveillance and the question of freedom of speech comes to play here.

    Well I can continue to scream about all of this but I recommend you Google the “Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002” Yourself and have a good long look at it. If anything our constitutional liberties are being killed of one at a time. So welcome to the “New World Order”

  4. #4
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    14. Privacy.-Everyone has the right to privacy, which includes the right not to have-

    (a) their person or home searched;
    (b) their property searched;
    (c) their possessions seized; or
    (d) the privacy of their communications infringed.

    This is our basic right to Privacy. Notice (d) “the privacy of their communications infringed” Well clearly we just lost this one. Because let us not forget “to promote universal access to electronic communication and transactions” as found in the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002.

    So as of right now you can consider your right not to have- (d) the privacy of their communications infringed as BS because that is what it is a load of BS. I am not sure what we can do about all of this but this just feels wrong on so many levels.

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    Dave A (04-Jul-09)

  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I think your privacy post is more on song with this. I think the issue of universal access is the issue of roll out of infrastructure, not about making private information open to all. Tracking with electronic communications relates to IP address information and logs, not necessarily the content of the communication.

    But with RICA there is this obligation to record content of SMS messages - and to make it available to "officials." Now one would hope that a court order would be required first... but the question of infringement on privacy rights seems relevant and deserves a clear answer.

    Granted, the idea is to stop criminal activity, but done wrong this could become draconian.

  7. #6
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well I did have a lengthy discussion with a MTN and they assured me that only a court order will allow investigators the right to access the information in question. However you will not be informed by MTN or law-enforcement when they do access your information. In short this will go on behind the iron-curtain.

    This is alarming because you will never know if you are under investigation and if your personal information where accessed at some stage nor will there be a reason given why. Also content screening is still in murky waters. The MTN representative said that she is unclear on how the procedure will work.

    I also would like to see a website that will stipulate a bunch of legal links and approved links. Thus the chance of you stumbling into a potentially dangerous website is minimized thus avoiding pitfalls in the near future.

    Then there is the question of chat-rooms. I myself enjoy the freedom to chat anonymously thus I would like to know if I would still be able to do so safely? I am sure that I am not the only one that would like to know more about this subject.

    Lastly is the question of mobile chat programs. Will you be screened and will your session be recorded? If so is our anonymity compromised?

    In any scenario it is clear that our service providers have a lot to answer too.

  8. #7
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    tec0, do you really think there's such a thing as privacy?
    Get superfast South African Hosting at WebHostingZone

  9. #8
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Please spare me the drama. Now this is where you will tell me that hackers and basically everybody that bothers to look can see and download a person’s personal files from the net. Then there is the big “I know a lot of computers and I am a hacking god” power trip that will kick in. Because the users are so useless and they know nothing and all that jazz...

    In all honestly, I couldn’t care less anymore. After all who needs privacy anyhow? It is just another useless liberty anyway. So basically you and all the other hackers that know-it-all can have the net. Really I am so done with the “I am a digital god of this world” BS.

    So my tip of the day. If you want your privacy on a computer just don’t connect it to any network. All you need to do is unplug then nothing can touch your system. THE END

  10. #9
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Having to register a prepaid simcard is not a biggie, 95% of the people who care are under contract anyway, the other 5% don't mind.
    The thousands of people who have no interest will be unaffected except for the few criminals, most of whom are too stupid to care anyway.
    Imagine someone going to court to tell the Beak he wants privacy while doing crime.

    If you really want to know they are already taping conversations between parties they are interested in, so if there is a reason for them to be interested in you, dump technology.
    No cellphone use public phones, no internet use cybercafes, no credit card use cash, no house stay in rented accommodation, B&B's etc.

    Do not discuss secret business over the phone and if you don't want to be tracked, leave your cellphone at home.

  11. #10
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    It's true...XXXXXX been able to track any one sending an IMEI linked signal anywhere with court order for a while...infrastructure development & system continues...status: OK...suspects located....voice synthesis tracking technology tracks on any line any time...

    You can avoid it...true...

    ...."leave your cellphone at home"....make "calls/connections" from elsewhere....for now......

    ... entering employment anywhere, products "required" to have an open bank account to get remunerated....product to transact through facilities provided....product tracked...stock take.

    It will be by consent and then by and or poor...(and it's not meant to be "stopped/changed" until fulfilled) longer wanting to return to work because your Bank Account is to be closed due to non-compliance with your linked Service Provider's security policy Act concerning Implanted Identification in order to provide for facilitation and regulation for electronic communications, transactions and location identification; to provide for the development of a national e-strategy for the Republic and it's Citizens; to promote universal safe access to electronic communication and transactions and the use of electronic transmissions to provide for human resource management in the electronic transaction environment; to prevent abuse of information systems and Transactors; to encourage the use of e-government services; and to provide for classified matters and connected affiliates therewith.
    Last edited by Frankincense; 15-Jul-09 at 11:10 PM.

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