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Thread: MS Explorer Version 7

  1. #1
    Bronze Member Sieg's Avatar
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    MS Explorer Version 7

    Microsoft recently invited me, by way of an upgrade, to install version 7 of Internet Explorer. (Gasp, yes, I do use this browser, quite simply because I have to due to the requirements of certain software vendors).

    In typical MS fashion,
    it kept on crashing.

    (That even rhymes)

    I was invited to send MS the accident report.

    They then told me the problem was not with them (it never is) but with Yahoo!'s toolbar. Once I had downloaded the latest version of Yahoo!'s toolbar, the problem seemed to have resolved itself, well, for now, anyway.

    So, the moral of this story is, if you install Explorer 7 and it crashes a lot, check if you have the latest Yahoo! toolbar.


    "Victorious Peace"

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Nice that they got back to you with the right fix at least.

    There are significant differences between IE6 and 7. By way of example I had to revisit the colour settings for this site....

    It just goes to show that any change has some element of pain - even when it is for the better.

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