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Thread: The Law of Attraction

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The Law of Attraction

    This morning I received an email that sent a shiver down my spine. For a number of reasons:
    1. It talked to something that I could truly relate to, but I'd struggle to describe.
    2. It dealt with the subject so well.
    3. I truly believe that this is one of the keys to success.
    4. It was written with such mastery by a master of motivation and sales.
    And just to prove that all you have to do is know what you want and ask for it - I asked Richard if I could publish it here and he said YES. And he has registered as a member with The Forum SA to boot.

    So if you have ever wondered why you are not getting what you want and want to do something about it, please take a moment to read The Law of Attraction by Richard Mulvey.

    Just to whet your appetite:
    Have you ever wondered why gravity pulls things down rather than up? Probably not, well not since you were 5 going through that "Why?" stage.

    Actually I am not sure that I care very much why gravity works, just as long as it just does. Life would be very awkward if gravity didn't work all the time in a predictable way. Walking in the street would be very dangerous with cars floating in the air one day and falling to the ground the next. I stand on the scales one day and am happy to see that I am 75kg. The next day I am 110kg and suicidal. That wouldn't work at all so I am very relieved that there are laws that govern these things.
    As I reach into that barrel of things that I don't really understand I pull out the law of attraction.

    This law states simply that like attracts like. I have read many articles by people far cleverer than I, that try to explain why this happens and I am still not sure, it's just the way it is and it can be seen in action everyday.

    Why do you think that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (if that is possible). That's the law of attraction. When George Bush spends so much of his time focusing on terrorism, who is surprised that he is attracting exactly what he is trying to repel.
    Read the rest here.

    And then come back to this thread to add your comments and questions.

    I hope Richard will allow us publish the full series as he releases it, but why not make sure you get it anyway by subscribing to Richard's Review - the link is at the bottom of the article.

    EDIT NOTE: The article page on TFSA where this piece was originally posted was lost when a new article system was adopted. However, I see Richard has since published this piece elsewhere and I've amended the links to point to that page instead.
    Last edited by Dave A; 20-Sep-13 at 10:03 AM. Reason: changed link to article page.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he

    Wonderful stuff.

    truly believe that this is one of the keys to success
    This is not only one of the keys to success but also the keys to life itself.

    It is related to the concept that we create our own reality. As we have discussed before - setting up the ideal in our minds and then bringing it through into the physical and manifesting it. We attract positive things when we think positive and allign ourselves with positive people. Same goes for anything else we want to attract into our lives.

    Some may call it serendipity and some may call it synchronicity - I just call it making magic.

  3. #3
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    What a great article. and that explains a few things in my life. I look forward to reading what Richard has to say on all the other laws.

  4. #4
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    One part of me agrees with the article and another part totally disagrees.

    One part of my (short) experience of life has experienced and seen that the "Law of attraction" is true. I've set my mind to something, I've believed it, and been it and the fruit of that has shown.

    Something that I certain agree on is that it is important who we surround ourselves with. I've seen the attitudes and behaviours of my peers rub off on me (and vise versa)

    Another part of my experience has been that triumphalism leads to broken hearts. No amount of believing, or doing, or anything necessarily changes that life can deal out some hard blows.

    In general I would say that the way we think and the people we surround ourselves with changes our perceptions of the world, which can help us deal with the curve balls life throws.
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  5. #5
    Silver Member Candy Bouwer's Avatar
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    I just call it making magic.
    This is not only one of the keys to success but also the keys to life itself.
    i couldn't agree more ..Richard make it sound so easy...being positive is the link ..i think!
    Any way a great article and very encouraging. I also look forward to his other views in anticipation - Sparrow
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