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Thread: Jacob Zuma - Bold leader or daydreamer

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Jacob Zuma - Bold leader or daydreamer

    There's lots of commentary in the news about Jacob Zuma's state of the nation address to parliament yesterday. Picking through it all I got to wonder what exactly we might have here as our new State President.

    For example we have this little bit on one of my favorite hobby-horses:
    President Jacob Zuma yesterday reiterated the government's commitment to reducing the regulatory burden on small business. "The matter of being stifled by regulations has been raised by the sector several times," he said in his State of the Nation address.
    full story from Business Report here
    That's all well and good, but does he understand what the practical measures to implement this would entail? And how those measures might conflict with some of his other priorities?

    Then there's this bit about creating employment:
    President Jacob Zuma's pledge yesterday to create 500 000 jobs by the end of this year and hold cabinet ministers accountable through performance evaluations by next month has left economists and analysts perplexed.

    Economists said the targets were virtually impossible, given that evaluation systems took time to implement and that the economy was not vibrant enough to create hundreds of thousands of jobs within six months.

    Zuma said in his State of the Nation address that he would use established targets and output measures from as early as next month to keep ministers in check.

    Nick Segal, a public policy consultant, said he found the July deadline hard to fathom.

    "I work with the government on a regular basis and worry about the feasibility of this because certain departments are not fully functional."
    full story Business Report here
    500 000 new jobs by the end of the year! Challenging goal or wishful thinking?

    So what do you think - bold leader or daydreamer

  2. #2
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Two things
    a) If he just ensures that everything in 'Gubbamunt' actually works without fuxing what is fixed and then fixing what is fuxed, he will be 90% there.

    No re-inventing the wheel, just replace the worn tyres, fix the spokes, grease the bearings and axle!!!

    b) SME's with up to, say 10 employees, if he deregulates the requirement iro. wages, unions, hiring and firing, working hours, etc. he will create those jobs within a month.

    250,000 SME's who don't employ anybody today, employing 2 people each!!!

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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  4. #4
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    Politicians are a bunch of wishful thinkers to start with. You never know when BS starts or when BS ends because they will promise you the world while they take away your freedoms, health systems, schools and jobs. You need only look at how government is enforcing their Policies. Laws and Promises. Action speaks louder than words. Yet crime, corruption and confusion are the norm right now. I only say this if you have the money GET OUT! Or die with the rest of us. You need only look at the violence and murder for the last month in MP alone and you will find a disturbing picture of corrupted supremacy and crime-lords moving freely doing as they please. In short we are facing the end time in Africa if JZ keeps on kissing ass rather than stand up and fight for all South Africans. We need leadership not a daydreamer.

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