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Thread: Why was Steve Biko and Chris Hani Killed?

  1. #1
    Bronze Member
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    Why was Steve Biko and Chris Hani Killed?

    Two leaders I greatly admire. The fact that they were assassinated and one brutally tortured evokes suspicion. I am not going to give you a sermon on their respective ideologies. Anyone who cared to read the writings of Hani or Biko, will be astounded to discover what these guys actually propagated.

    Steve Bike asserted that Black People will only truly be free, the day they liberated their own minds. Similarly Hani encouraged the young not to wait on hand outs, and play the victim.

    Forget the fact that Hani was a hardline Communist, or Biko a black nationalists, radical. Their views were, and remains pertinent to this day.

    The political killing of many other great leaders, globally, is equally disconcerting. Names such as Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy (and his brother), Malcolm X, John Lennon and Patrice Lumumba of the Congo, comes to mind.I remain flummoxed by their sudden deaths. All of them were killed under very mysterious circumstances and yet so many other “radicals” were never assassinated.

    All these leaders had one philosophy in common. Independent and critical thinking. Could these leaders and their ideologies pose the biggest threat to the Power Elite?
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The Chris Hani case certainly doesn't seem as clear cut as it used to.

    The thing is if you are looking for a plot, do you look for a common thread in the victims, or a common thread in those who bumped them off?

  3. #3
    Silver Member Graeme's Avatar
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    If you want to read the full story about Hani's murder read R W Johnson's book (published recently) "South Africa's Brave New World', starting at page 35. Johnson, a highly respected author states that the Mbeki faction in the ANC wanted him bumped off, and a faction in the National Party Government agreed. Walus and Derby-Lewis were on their way to the airport when they were arrested; the SAP were ready and waiting - they knew.

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