Freeware software nears extinction tanks to profit hungry software developers. What I really hate is demo software masquerading as freeware software. I feel this is false advertising to start with. Secondly most developers don’t understand that the whole world doesn’t reside in America and that every Tom, Dick and Harry has access to credit cards! How naive can and thick can a COMPANY be!
Now there are “options” but nearly all of them are illegal and is simply riddled with viruses designed to steel information or just to stop the computer in question from functioning. However this being said the only other alternative is get the software from your local computer store.
Is this really an option? After all there is literally tons of software on the net that you will not get in a shop “EVER” So there is no accesses for these types of software thus the majority of South Africans have do without cheap powerful programs.
Now let’s say the banks actually grow a brain and accommodate credit transactions via another type of system and make it easy for the general public, I suspect that online software might see phenomenal profit growth. However will the telecommunication accommodate downloading at cheaper prices?
Thanks to the poor ability of the banks and the telecommunication industry to understand the importance of this market. The internet software industry is left with two options:
(A) Accommodate.![]()
(B) Go Bankrupt.
As for freeware, Let us hope that it will endure and free the net from these profit hungry monsters. A bit of a mix massagebut an Important one if you are considering online marketing systems.
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