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Thread: "Gullible Conspiracy Theorists"

  1. #1
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    "Gullible Conspiracy Theorists"

    Many people are drawn to the conspiracy view of life, and expose themselves to massive ridicule. The more they attempt to propagate their views the more paranoid and crazy they sound.

    Believing in conspiracy "theories" is not an easy thing to do for the average human being. Due to the "dumbing down" in the schools, the media and society at large, it is just impossible to see what is going on around us.

    Life is not what we think it is. The irony is that so much of what was termed theory is being proven on a daily basis. The "financial crises" no doubt, is one of those predictions made by the conspiracy nuts.

    And why do conspiracy theorist get condemned for "getting all their info from the net", and being gullible, for believing everything they read?
    I would suggest that the internet is actually the best resource to obtain conspiracy information from. You will not find it on TV, Newspapers etc.(Very suspect, if these theories are indeed a lot of crap.) In Fact you wont find it easily on the internet. I have yet to see media sites with links to the Illuminati, Freemasons and so on. People stumble upon the information because of a genuine yearning for info. But once you have stumbled upon a site, and you read with an open mind, there is no turning back.

    As for the statement that conspiracy nuts are gullible! It takes a lot of courage to believe the "weird" info on conspiracies. And to debunk myths such as swine flu, global warming etc. In short ,conspiracy nuts, refuse to believe what is easy to believe, and believe what is extremely difficult to believe. That says much, for the independence of mind of your average conspiracy theorists.
    Last edited by Dave A; 16-Jan-17 at 10:37 AM.
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    For lies to be plausible, they must be built with grains of truth. It is in the arrangement of these grains that deception is achieved.

    The very reason conspiracy theories remain theories is a lack of conclusive evidence - a situation which works both ways. The theory cannot be conclusively proved or disproved. So whenever there isn't clear evidence to a firm conclusion there exists a number of possibilities.

    So what to do from here?

    At this point I'd like to suggest there is a lot to be learnt from Texas Hold'em poker. The mathematical probability of one hand winning over another can be calculated, but the hand with the highest probability of winning is not necessarily going to be the winning hand.

    And so it is with conspiracy theories. It's wise to keep an open mind to all possible outcomes, including the less likely ones.

    But keeping an open mind is something different from belief, and here is where I have problems with some of the conspiracy theory disciples out there. The moment you confuse speculation with fact your judgement is clouded. Worse still - When you place absolute faith in a minority chance theory, statistically the odds are against you and more often than not you're headed for trouble.

    My greatest concern with some of the conspiracy theories that float around is that they might not be the product of strong, independant thinkers - but rather people who find comfort in the notion that their continued poor lot in life can be blamed on someone or something other than themselves.

    In time some of these theories will be proved right, some will be proved wrong, and some will continue in that twilight zone of insufficient evidence. In the meantime I'll try to keep an open mind.
    Last edited by Dave A; 16-Jan-17 at 10:38 AM.

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    Graeme (28-Apr-09), Superscenic (30-Apr-09)

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    Lack of responsibility is the biggest contributor of failure in life. In as much as conspiracy nuts are considered individuals looking for "excuses" and people to apportion blame on, I believe the converse is true. Whenever we give our power and responsibility away(same thing), evil triumphs. Its because humanity has been in a slumber for many years that all these events happened. (Wars, famine, financial crisis).

    We cannot blame the Illuminati, Brotherhood or anyone, we only have how ourselves to blame.

    Nobody takes responsibility for my Failures, but everybody claims credit for my Success!
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  5. #4
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    Conspiring Flesh will be revealed...simple logical deduction...

    "The irony is that so much of what was termed theory is being proven on a daily basis".....

    "It takes a lot of courage " ....something the average Man does not He would need to surrender to the Truth.... (The consequences of that are TERRIBLE & Dreadfull!!!!OMG....hows an ice cold prison floor....or total economic isolation?..or even death!)

    666 is a part of the Christian's (and any other religion)'s something God has one can stop it(nor do i recommend anyone try) no matter how much courage they's something we need to work through....Churches don't really bother interpreting how it's being rolled out upon thier own congregations due to thier personal involvement....WTF?

    Aptly surrounding..."Buying and Selling"...hhhmmm...obvious!...(to me...but hey, I'm only a little person...dont wanna upset too many folks...but I know what's coming...unfortunately )

    "We cannot blame the Illuminati, Brotherhood or anyone, we only have how ourselves to blame. " ...quite the case...God will assign the blame at the right time....we are martyrs...or partakers and leaders within the end of each day: Man, Woman and Child are to account for their affiliations and memberships....

    In this time...when someone refers to "Conspracy theorists" as "tellers of lies - bringers of fairy tales"'s usually due to vested interests in what is happening on the globe and a "temporary self preservation technique"....IMHO

    I don't blame flesh for denying the terrible stories I bring to light...after all...if the truth isn't palatable....spit it out for another truth....WTF?

    The majority of flesh I address have never really illustrated a passion for believing things other than mainstream...must be a natural/inate trait of wont stop me though!

    I wont even bother prooving further that George Bush brought down his own towers, nor that the current Swine flu has been created for the usual benefit of pharmaceutical companies(notice the jump in share prices) as the demand for vacines grows....

    We're part of the "ant farm"....Fu^&ng Great!(sarcasm)

    Oh well....let the wicked be wicked still, let the rightous be righteous still.

    Good to chat through all this crap though....

    May the Nation rest well and enjoy the fruits of their labour...

  6. #5
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    First of: Do not claim something if you do not understand something. Well let me clue you in on a little something I call reality. -Please don't ban me for this- We say law we say order we say religion we say government and let us not forget the new world order.

    The fact is, we cannot function otherwise: We need religion because it gives us belief! We need law so that we don't rape and kill. We need government to maintain and uphold everything you see and use like water, food and roads. We need a new world order so that we can act as one global entity.

    Yes we know that gods might be nothing more than an overactive imagination. Yes we know that innocent people go to prison. And yes! YES! We know that government is prone to corruption. And the truth is the new world order is coming like it or not... The fact is can we function without these elements?

    The answer is no... Because without these elements there will be no living at all... The only true conspiracy here is people justifying actions and events that they do not understand. Look at Greek mythology for it is no more a conspiracy then what it is a justifications for an event.
    Last edited by Dave A; 16-Jan-17 at 10:40 AM.

  7. #6
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    For civilised society to exist in the past there have had to be two pillars.
    One is the Spiritual as in Church, Religion, (Priests) etc.
    The other is Executive as in Civil Service, President (Pharaoh) Army, Police etc.
    They have to be mutually supportive of each other otherwise like any structure, remove or weaken one the other takes strain.

    Is Christianity (the new, present 'Rome') weakening and bringing the morals of society down with it???? is Islam in the ascendancy???? or is Secularism the new religion???, is the Executive getting too strong and as a result forcing society to topple the Spiritual?????

    Perhaps Religion was too strong in the past and this is just a levelling of the playing field????

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    Religion was abused by power-hungry monsters that are losing their footing tanks mainly to the internet that is informing people that there are more than just their interpretations. Thanks to the net I can make informed choices! Now if only I can break free from the financial demigod aka “my boss” I will be a complete person

  9. #8
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    The way I see it is that we should at any given time do the best with the knowledge we have at our disposal. Ignoring either "conspiracy theory" or "marketed package" could lead to radical behaviour - a recipe for disaster in my way of thinking.

    I think Sean mentioned accountability for self and behaviour. Thus, if I lean more to the conspiracy theory in a particular instance, I need to behave accordingly and take full responsibility for my behaviour.

    For example: If I choose not to use insulin because I believe it is a pharmaceutical company "marketing package" - then I need to be responsible for the result of such a decision. Whether I am vindicated at a later stage or not should be irrelevant. It remains my choice.

    It also remains my choice as to where "I" begin and end. Do I personally stop taking insulin or do I convince others to join me on my crusade? Do I take on the pharmaceutical companies and demand explanation or do I allow them to continue "marketing".

    All of these are personal choices and very few people can afford to go on one man crusades - until the matter at hand offends them, influences them and/or touches them in a way that they can no longer ignore it.

    In fact, without a bit of conspiracy thinking we would not be seeing a full picture (it can be equated to negative type thinking) when weighing up a situation. With no "marketed" thinking we would be missing out on the obvious (positive type thinking). Considering both these lines give us alternatives. All three the former lead us to further fact finding and finally going with our own gut and intuition. All in all we have simply covered 5 of the Edward De Bono 6 hat thinking processes. Step 6? What to do with it, where to from here?

    Back to the self responsibility and the price of taking a side.


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  10. #9
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    I was thinking back on the various conspiracy discussions that I have been involved in and could not think of anybody that used conspiracy theories as an 'excuse' for their current circumstance in life. Most are well educated people in ok positions in life. I believe they are just free thinkers and have an alternate view on life and how it works which in certain cases one battles to debate the points made.

    I also think there is a confusion of thoughts ranging from rage that they could be manipulated and be so gullible through to jealousy for not being part of this big picture.

    The overview on the conspiracy theory on life goes like this.....
    Life is an adventure computer game. You are the adventurer picking up assets, treasures and experiences along the way battling other adventurers for scarce resources - experiences are infinite and can be shared with other adventurers to make them aware of what could happen along the way. The provider of the equipment, screen mouse keyboard, cpu and memory etc. is God and the programmer of the life game is the Illuminati/Bilderbrand/Broederbond/[fill in your favourite conspirator here]. You are the designer of your own body making mods every time you return for a better experience. Every now and again you bomb out or have a time out and come back with a new life. Lives are infinite but one has to start at the beginning of the game each time.The kabbalah is the help file and Chuck Norris anti virus/security from other life game forms. The object is to reach the end point of the adventure with everything intact and so become the new programmer or create a new game.
    The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
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    insulin (29-Apr-09), Superscenic (30-Apr-09)

  12. #10
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    So basically "welcome to the Matrix"

    I actually wish that some conspiracies was true. You know the one that says that all of us will be enslaved and be given happy pills, 3 meals a day and a small room to sleep in. I will be a happy slave, a productive slave and when my life is terminated for some or other reason I will happily die. Right now life is meaningless, you cannot sustain yourself and you have nothing and when you grow old you will end up on the streets and die a violent death.
    Last edited by Dave A; 16-Jan-17 at 10:41 AM.

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