hi guys. when i first started out, i got a partner, with whom we had a verbal agreement to split fifty-fifty ownership, and we did not have anything in writing, until he had paid me the agreed upon amount. so far, he has paid half the amount. what we agreed on was that i would be in charge of the daily running of the business and consult him only on the major decisions. recently, what i have realised is that when i first decided on having this business, i had specific goals set out for it, and i am now not happy about the agreement. at most, i feel i can only offer him a maximum of twenty five to thirty percent, and i feel that i need to follow my heart,as this was what i followed when i decided to go out in business in the first place. my question is, is this unethical or in bad faith of me, to go back on the verbal agreement we had? we still need to draw up a written agreement, which we had agreed to draw up once i receive full payment from him. I cant help bt feel guilty about it, thinkikng of how he will take the news, but deep down i feel its not something i can compromise, because this goes beyond just a normal business transaction. Am i doing the right thing by following my emotion or heart, or should i look at it from a business sense? any help,tips or advise would be much appreciated.
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