I find that for most of us it is becoming impossible to take a break. It is always this and that. Then I find that my spirituality is also slipping away as is everything else. It is as if I cannot hold onto anything anymore.
Our houses became voluntary prison-cells and it is mistrust all around. Even in my head I have a million worries and not a single answer to any of them. In short; I lost the plot… Dropped eggs… Then it hit me, if this is happening to me then I am most probably not alone in this mindset.
So is it just me or are we living on a funny-farm? Nothing feels good anymore. Nothing is pure anymore. Did we lose our innocence to this monolithic society? This single track of thought that money and only money is important… A moth to an open flame.
Change can be a good thing but right now I wonder what it is that we are changing too… The corporate ant willing and able till someone steps on you. You would think that the other ants will stop and stare but no, on they go without thought or reason.
Anyway love to read about your point of view…
Sleeplessly one weeps wonder and stare to where it is my mind has gone.![]()
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