Forgetting the Wiki made me aware of the fact just how much being "constantly busy" causes - "attention deficit".
There are probably quite a few things that I could clear up quickly if I just had the time to "pay attention".
I often say it is a "cost" of small business, and know for a fact that we lose money, purely because we don't have the time to: get that competitive insurance quote, read Wiki, and take advantage of "Free advertising" on TFS. I often read abbreviations and just don't have the time to find out what it means (IMHO for example), yes! I did work this one out in the end.
Frequently I read a post, and then proceed to try to write an answer - then delete it - as I realise there is too much about the issue that I don't know, then wonder off to read it up on the internet!
In what seems to be 5 minutes I realise I have "lost" an hour at least!
I would so appreciate an hour "free" - idiotic really - realise that I am seriously addicted to time wasting on the forum and internet!
Wish I was half as skilled as I am at procrastination, as I am at other stuff!
I believe statistics show that the majority of employees spend most of their day in procratinating and unproductive activies - so it should be seriously studied?
A SETA NQF for that could be rather fun! How would one evaluate the outcome!
There was a episode on TV (Family BBC?) when the crazy older brother was going to sell "time", and everyone said he was nuts!
When he replied that had the "said purchased hour" been paid for - it would be spent wisely - thus providing the value of paying for it!
Can completely identify with that!
Is it possible to shift this reply to General Chat, or jokes? once you have read it Dave?
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