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Thread: Mandatory grant reports due by end of June.

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Mandatory grant reports due by end of June.

    For folk paying the skills development levy, the deadline for submitting the paperwork to claim some money back is 30th June.

    What is needed is a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and an Actual Training Report (ATR).

    It might be an idea to work a project on this forum with a step-by-step description of getting through the process of making a claim.

    I'll see if I can get an expert on board to help answer questions and guide us through this.

  2. #2
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    I would be delighted if you can get an expert on board here. It would be beneficial to all my clients and I would certainly want to link to this forum from my soon to be complete new website.


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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Well, first off a link to a page that gives all the different SETAs' contact details. It's on the Dept. of Labour website here.

    Let's see how far we can go doing this the IT way.

    First step would be to register an SDF for your levy paying company.

  4. #4
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    I've just posted a page of links accessible from the hompage.

    Or you can simply click here.

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Registering as an SDF.

    For most of the SETAs registering as a Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) is no big deal. For the SETA's using the Deloittes IT system, you can even do it online.

    Go to your relevant SETA website and look for a link saying Stakeholder login. Pretty much paint by numbers from there. Report any problems here and I'll see about getting someone to help solve it.

    I was hoping for the Deloittes support consultant to get directly involved - not a yes, but also not a no.

    I've also discussed with two SETAs, who have also given a similar response.

    At this point they're not too sure what they're getting into.

    I've tried to sell on the basis of "Answer the question once and then steer folk towards the solution". One lady who deals with this aspect reckons it won't work - but then they've never tried it this way before.

    Now where have I heard that before? Just dying to prove them wrong.

    I've already identified a few potential snags along the way, but one bridge at a time.

    Take the time to register as an SDF first.

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    If you are an organisation with less than 50 employees and your SETA is using the Deloittes online system - this is too easy for words!!

    You can register as an SDF for your company online, and fill in all the paperwork online, and the information needed is quite easy to get out of your financial statements.

    You fill out a WSP (Workplace Skills Plan) for 2006/7 - should be ready and waiting for you. If not, look at my workaround for the ATR challenge below.

    The ATR (Actual Training Report) for 2005/6 can be a bit trickier if you have not submitted a WSP before becuse it won't be there to be filled out.

    However, in the top left hand corner there is a drop down box where you can create a WSP for 2005/6. You won't be able to update the WSP for 2005/6, but that bird has flown now anyway. Essentially you are creating a nil return. But what it does do is open up the ATR option in this year's report.

    In the ATR section for 2005/6 simply put in what you did/spent during the past year and mission accomplished.

    If you can work your way round this forum, you can do this submission online.
    Just remember to hit the "submit" button on the "WSP Plan & Report" tag page once finished, then also print, sign and fax the docs to your SETA.

    Just on the printing bit, formatting did not go well printing straight off. Save to a Word document, set page orientation to landscape, and it all works a lot better.

    Took me a total of half an hour.

    Any questions, just make a post here.
    Last edited by Dave A; 27-Jun-06 at 11:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    If you have the misfortune of belonging to a SETA that does not have an electronic submission system in place, life gets a little more tedious.

    I processed my AgriSETA submission in half an hour as reported above. Someone less prepared for the experience might need an hour, I guess. But certainly no ordeal.

    My ESETA submission has not gone so well. Taken 3 hours so far for a rough draft (TIP: Print an unfilled copy to scribble all over first - then do again in neat). Also they don't have an abridged report for companies less than 50 employees - which I might get round to questioning later as I think an abridged version for smaller enterprises is mandated by regulation.

    To their credit, I was emailed the forms within half an hour of request by telephone. This experience has given me a window into what bigger organisations have to deal with. A lot more detail (but then they're playing for bigger money) and what seems like masses of duplication.

    My tip here is to have a spreadsheet open with a column listing all your staff members. Then as each question comes up, you can fill in key information for current and future reference. For example, current qualification levels seems to be re-analysed in different formats a few times - so having that list handy really helps.

    Another hour max to produce a clean copy and I'm done on a staff compliment of 19 people. Total time four hours.

    The following links might also prove useful:
    SA Qualifications Authority (more for background on qualifications)
    National Qualifications Framework (to find existing Qualifications, unit standards etc)

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