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Thread: Politics Outdated:

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Politics Outdated:

    Ever wondered what the function of a political party is? What can they do? The truth is nothing. Politics is like money. It is an old outdated from of control. See Politicians are really just the rich getting richer. We don’t benefit from them because they are uneducated in real world problems. We need professors in science and technology to take control of our country. Educated people that understand technology in a technical degree thus allowing them to formulate plans to improve our country and indeed our world.

    We have the industrial capacity to provide food, clothing and every single basic need we humans can have. Yet right now we are money slaves that are educated in only a trade! People who perform a particular kind of skilled work and cannot do anything else... This is wrong. We need to understand that freedom will start only when government is replaced with intellectuals!

    Qualified individuals that know what science and technology can do!
    Only by freeing us from the banks and money systems can we be free to evolve into a stronger nation one that can grow! Make education a must and make living a free given! Only then can we move forward. With education comes understanding! With understanding comes responsibility... With responsibility towards ourselves comes evolution and a new way to live a free healthy life...

    thank you.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by insulin View Post
    Ever wondered what the function of a political party is?
    Not much until now, frankly. It is actually a very good question all on its own!

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    insulin (13-Mar-09)

  4. #3
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    Thumbs down All political parties work for the same people.

    Please allow me to explain something to you if I may. Political power is given to someone that wants to do what is right for all of us. So why is it that we need to choose between politicians if all of them wants to do the right thing? What will the difference be? I don’t see a political party that wishes to introduce evil into your world! All of them points out WE CAN CHAGNE this and that... The point is all political parties work for the same people. Those people are the bankers and large corporations sponsoring them. So you don’t have a choice both parties stand for the same thing making the same promises and in the end both of them is getting their money from the same people. So what is the meaning of democracy then?

    The truth is there is no government only a popularity contest! It is an insult to our intelligence to say that we live in a democracy.

  5. #4
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    so where would Robert Mugabe fall in your grand scheme of things?

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    insulin (13-Mar-09)

  7. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    My theory is the whole idea is to elect someone who represents your interests to government. Given the likelihood that this elected representative will end up representing their own interests, you try to seek out the candidate who's interests most closely match yours. Or perhaps you'll get lucky and find that rare gem, someone who actually does give a damn about other people ahead of themselves.

    Now in such a system, what is the role of the party?

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    insulin (13-Mar-09)

  9. #6
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    Wink Define Party: An organization to Gain Political Power.

    Define Party: An organization to Gain Political Power. I think the key words are organization and power. The “following” is something else. For those who follow these parties gain nothing more than false hope that things will be better then what it is now. The “following” or so I came to call them is the tool that the Political Party uses to gain power. The party themselves are in it for the money... Always! The sad truth is there is a lot of money to be made in a Political Movement.

    The people that control government control government contracts, regulations permission systems and let us not forget the development systems. All these systems translate to contracts and money for the party members and their many companies that backed the Political Movement financially.

    The so called following is tricked by nice, big words that confuses them. Then they attach their own meaning and interpretations to these big words and think things will get better. Nothing will get better because the Political Party is nothing more than a smiling face.

  10. #7
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    Lightbulb Good Question!

    Quote: so where would Robert Mugabe fall in your grand scheme of things?

    Let us first look at the Mentality of Robert Mugabe. He want everything for himself. He is not willing to share power and profit. Please understand that he is anything but a fool. You see the companies that empowered Mugabe wanted the recourses for themselves. So in order for them to gain everything they had to create political unrest. The unrest insured that industry failed thus leaving the door open for a new industrial superpower to take control. Mugabe was suppose to surrender to the UN but didn’t! The plan backfired!!! Mugabe wanted everything for himself. Thus he continued his stupidity and yes you can see the math unfolding before your eyes. But let us look at Mugabe ten years from now. He will be a memory and the new superpower industry will have millions of cheap workers working for them thus profit is amplified. Mugabe is a tool nothing more.

  11. #8
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    well, at the moment robert is well protected, right? what happens if he ever steps down? he'll probably face trial after trial after trial, his security would be gone and those that have allied with him would be taken to court, tried, hung drawn and quartered. Wouldn't the truth then be that he CAN'T step down? he's made some hella screwed up descisions and practically reverted his country back to the barter system, but he still keeps winning. we've watched the power sharing deal practically collapse into him still controlling everything and the other guy just having to look on in horror.

  12. #9
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    Yes indeed what will happen to Robert Mugabe?

    Well he will be given immunity and a hand full cold hard cash a pat on the back and you will never hear from him again. This is actually stated in an article that he was offered immunity and a few million to retire. Once retired big companies from all over will come and setup shop using the remaining survivors as workers. Money will once more have value and the people will live good healthy lives. The government will stabilise and large permanent contracts will insure a safe future. This was the plan all along...

  13. #10
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    The real question is: Is Politics still relevant in this day and age. Now one must take into consideration that Arica is in disarray. We do not need Political parties that will drain the economic system. We need thinkers and engineers to come up with lasting solutions. To build large purification systems to turn sea water into drinking water can be considered as a good start. With this general health of the population can be improved and irrigation systems will be made possible. This together with a basic understanding of farming will improve both health to a sustainable population. Then Education can be given to healthy individuals, this will improve life to the point of economic stability and renewable wealth to the people. This is what a single purification system will do for a starving country. Why is not being done? Well ask our politicians? They will say “who will pay for this system?”

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