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Thread: Great career opportunties - despite of worldwide recession

  1. #1
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    Great career opportunties - despite of worldwide recession

    Currently everyone is afraid of loosing their jobs or of a bad year regarding the revenue of the own business.
    The Africa Business Talent Pool has its first partners and some great career opportunties online. So the question is: Are highly-skilled people really threatened with job losses?
    What do you think?

    Kind regards, Daniela

  2. #2
    Email problem
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    "So the question is: Are highly-skilled people really threatened with job losses?" I would say yes. The same scenario pertaining to global economic conditions apply to everyone, irrespective of skill.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I tend to agree with Christie. The retrenchment knife wielded correctly cuts vertically, and particularly in SA the criterium is first-in-last-out. Skills will set your level but might not save you from the knife.

    Of course when it comes to business failure everyone loses.
    Last edited by Dave A; 14-Mar-09 at 06:45 AM.

  4. #4
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    Ridiculous skills valuation.

    I spoke to a 50 year old IT specialist. Who has decades of experience and climbed to the level just under director at a well known company. That was a while ago.

    He was offered a position recently as manager overseeing a factory of 200 employees for a salary of R3000 a month.

    He laughed too.

    He now runs his own business with nothing to do with computers.

    Messed up economic conditions and wacky SA politics I think have undermined our talent pool both from the younger up and coming side as well as the older extremely experienced side. Neither are receiving the appreciation they deserve.

    The current economic traversty just makes everything more accute. I think both Daniela and Christie are correct. Just how will we all adapt to the strain?

  5. #5
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Apology for Negative post, with a better reply.

    Sorry Guys there I go again saying something depressing.

    The topic:"Great career opportunities despite worldwide recession." Is a worthy one and worth a better response from me.

    I am speaking daily to a great amount of business owners. Yes many are feeling the pinch. However each and every one is coming up with and applying a new strategy, diversification, restructuring and best yet innovating a brand new product or service. Fantastic!

    There are definitely new opportunities being created as we speak. I am so proud of our dapper countrymen it almost brings tears to my eyes. Bless all you brave business owners and entrepreneurs.

  6. #6
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    This topic makes me go hmmm... Its going to sound like im singing the same song all the time, so forgive me, but from where I am sitting things are looking very bleak. Being young, a recent graduate and considered to have no real skills really does make one feel overlooked. Im sure there are many great people out there with many great skills, I just wish they were willing to pass those skills along.

    I think everyone is suffering with job loss and or unemployment. Whether you are skilled or unskilled. I think this is a sign that we all need to start our own businesses. Goodluck trying to get a loan guys

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    As a business owner/manager you adapt or die.

    missD, when you goal is to not have a job, not be employed by someone or something else, it looks a little different

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