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Thread: Be Motivated Today

  1. #31
    Email problem
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    Thanks for your reply Dave A.

    You have shared alot of wisdom that provides food for thought. Your words have really hit a nerve, which confirms the truth in what you are saying.

    My Sunday afternoon is going to be spent dwelling on "why my view has changed?"

    I feel as though I am standing at the foot of a mountain, equipped with the gear to climb and conquer, but fear and doubt is saying turn around and walk way.

    You are right Dave, this is personal. More personal than I imagined. It surely is a battle with myself. The line between success and failure is a fine one indeed.

    I guess there is a barrier in the mind, or rather in MY mind, that needs to be broken down. I have no doubt now, my change of view was a result of rationalization.

    Thanks for the advice, you just made me realize how important upline support is in the MLM game. What you've told me today, is something that was suppose to come from a leadership figure in my upline.

    I think it is important for me to give this the full 6 months that I proposed, and what is even more important is for me to begin supporting my downline.

    My sincerest thanks to you Dave A. You've given me the boost I needed. I'm sure you were a success when you were in the MLM game.

  2. #32
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    New Perspective

    After doing some introspection I have now realized that to succed in the MLM game one needs to treat it as a business. Like any business there will be challenges along the way, I just faced a major challenge and I almost threw in the towel.

    Perseverance, hard work and a proper plan of action is what is required to succeed.

    I had some concerns with regard to BMT's product offering, but instead of complaining, I have forwarded a few suggestions to BMT in order for them to enhance their overall offering. Some of the ideas I had were really good.

    My other concern about people who are failing in their attempts to create wealth has now been ironed out in my mind. Each individuals success is dependent on their own effort, and I have chosen not to feel guilty for the failures of others. But I will offer support to my downline to assist them and to point out the hurdles that will be faced, and I will also provide them with certain tools to aide them along the way.

    I will just like to thank Dave A again. Your advice was full of truth, and it assisted me greatly.

  3. #33
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    Well, it has been six months since I challenged myself to build my income to 5K and I have failed miserably I only managed to reach 10% of 5k, but I have to be honest and say I gave up trying after the 1st month.

    I tried multiple routes to promote BMT and all to no avail. It was disappointing having to work without any reward. That's when I quit trying.

    Do I still belive in MLM as viable source of income?

    Yes I do, but product quality is probably the main element to succeed in this business. Although I still believe in the MLM principle, I am now leaning on the premise that it is better to pursue one's own business than to build someone elses castle.

    I think MLM's are for people who are afraid of taking a risk and opening their own business.

    Anyway, I gave it a good go, but I failed. I give myself an A for effort!

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    Dave A (14-Feb-11)

  5. #34
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    I believe no one has any basis to comment, be it positive or negative, on something they have not experienced for themselves. Ones own personal experience is what gives one leverage to comment.
    You said this in one of your postings - Do you have any comment on taking Meth, Coke, drinking & driving, smoking, teenage pregnancy, etc

    Anyway, forget about failure - we live and learn

  6. #35
    Email problem Cat's Avatar
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    I really don't mean to resurrect this post - however, I do feel a comment is relevant.
    I am, for want of a better term, a newsletter addict. I sign up for just about anything that I feel will benefit me as a person and/or grow my business. Most of my subscriptions are for health news, business groups etc BUT when I came across BMT I was involved in a daily posting on another forum called DAILY MOTIVATIONAL - generally just a one liner.
    Anyway.... I decided to join this BMT and even managed to convince a small handful of people to join up. I won't go into the reasons why as I'm sure many of you will know anyway - I cancelled the debit order and didn't hear from them again...... until recently.

    I received an email from them saying that their "system had been changed" and a new payment something or the other blah blah.... ALL I NEEDED to do was complete the "new" debit order authority and I will continue to receive daily motivationals. I ignored the request, deleted the email and now get a daily email anyway (at no cost) and notices that I have new members - how I do not know as I have not actively marketed it nor know any of the 'new members'. Oh..... and I have not to date seen any return although my reason for joining wasn't monetary as such.

    I realize that Richard007 set a challenge and removed himself from the BMT system - however my first thought when reading the posts about receiving R200 per month was how many months prior to that were you paying R45? If it was less than 5 then you got your money back. If not - well then..... need I say more.
    @Richard007 - don't take it as a failure. Rather try and fail than not try and wonder.

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  8. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    I really don't mean to resurrect this post - however, I do feel a comment is relevant.
    I am, for want of a better term, a newsletter addict. I sign up for just about anything that I feel will benefit me as a person and/or grow my business. Most of my subscriptions are for health news, business groups etc BUT when I came across BMT I was involved in a daily posting on another forum called DAILY MOTIVATIONAL - generally just a one liner.
    Anyway.... I decided to join this BMT and even managed to convince a small handful of people to join up. I won't go into the reasons why as I'm sure many of you will know anyway - I cancelled the debit order and didn't hear from them again...... until recently.

    I received an email from them saying that their "system had been changed" and a new payment something or the other blah blah.... ALL I NEEDED to do was complete the "new" debit order authority and I will continue to receive daily motivationals. I ignored the request, deleted the email and now get a daily email anyway (at no cost) and notices that I have new members - how I do not know as I have not actively marketed it nor know any of the 'new members'. Oh..... and I have not to date seen any return although my reason for joining wasn't monetary as such.

    I realize that Richard007 set a challenge and removed himself from the BMT system - however my first thought when reading the posts about receiving R200 per month was how many months prior to that were you paying R45? If it was less than 5 then you got your money back. If not - well then..... need I say more.
    @Richard007 - don't take it as a failure. Rather try and fail than not try and wonder.
    Hi Cat,

    Thanks! I certainly did get a return. FYI: I paid for the first 4 months and I haven't paid anything thereafter. In fact, BMT changed their system and last month they paid out a whole lot of bonuses. I actually received over R900 from BMT last month but that was due to the bonuses. My income will revert back to R500 next month. It hasn't been a total waste of time for me -it was disappointing and even challenging in the beginning, but I am earning R500/month without any promotional efforts.

    The reason you are getting new members is because BMT are moving members around to stabilize the various matrixes (spelling?). They are basically giving 2 members to every member who found 2 members and they are trying to arrange each matrix such that no one pays a monthly fee.

  9. #37
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    Be Motivated Today Terminated my Account - Scam

    I had a stellar first month at BMT. I got 51 trial members and 3 silver members. I am suppose to be paid $0.25 per trial member and $5 per silver member and then $2 per month for each of the silver members. I am also suppose to get 2 members under me from their Find 2 Get 2 program.

    I asked and they said it could take 2 months to get the 2 under me. I was also not clear about how the payments worked. It was all not very clear and I expressed that I was disappointed with how convoluted the terms and conditions were and that deciphering them was difficult. You will not get paid at the end of your first month. Their payout reports for your 1st are generated at the end of your 2nd month. This provision is outlined in the section "Payout Report Summary" - not exactly a place people would look for terms and conditions.

    Again, I expressed that it should be more clear. I even expressed that my concern was not that I would have to be out of pocket again but people I refer may find that coming out of pocket twice before getting paid is difficult for some. Because of my concerns, I said I was no longer going to promote my link but that I would help my downline build on their downlines - I do not like getting people into programs that they cannot make work for them.

    I then got a message from the CEO of BMT saying my account was terminated because I do not accept with their terms and conditions. I replied that I had never said I would not accept the terms and conditions - only that I was disappointed with them because they were not clear. I further requested that my account be reinstated so that I can help the members I brought in to promote. They again replied that my account will not be reinstated and that if I do not promote my own link -

    So at this point, they said they would pay my bonuses (which I have not yet received) but will terminate my account and not pay me the residual income that comes with the 3 silver members I brought to Be Motivated Today. What I am most disappointed with is that I cannot continue to help the 3 members that I brought on board to promote their links and build on their income as well.

  10. #38
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    Be Motivated Today is a Scam

    Quote Originally Posted by pietpetoors View Post
    There are many MLM companies in South Africa.

    I have been involved in many of them over the years. I joined various companies in different price ranges. There were even the ones that cost met R30,000 to join and you could earn massive commissions. But to attract that profile of co-networkers is not easy.

    To me the success in MLM is when i can see that others also succeed. Over the years I have seen that the smaller more affordable networks performs better in that sense than the big expensive ones. With the more affordable networks there are more people who become profitable than with the more expensive ones.

    At the moment my favorite MLM in this category is BeMotivatedToday.
    As product you get an eBook which shows you how to make money on the Internet and you also receive daily motivational emails. These emails are short but very powerful. Because it is so short you actually get time to read it.

    Zig Ziglar said "Motivation does not last, but so does bathing, that is why you have to do it every day"

    The BeMotivatedToday system does almost everything for you. All you have to do is drive traffic to your web page which you get when you join.

    At only R45 per month you will agree that it is THE most affordable online business available in South Africa today. What is more is that with only 8 active personal referrals you will break even.

    You can also sign up for a 9 day free trial.

    Have a look at
    I was brought in by others with great recommendations. Nobody told me that it was impossible to make any money in your first month and in your second month. Then I found a provision explaining that in a hidden place - Payout Summary Report section. I had already brought in 3 Silver Members to the site and voiced that I was concerned that it should be more clear so that people are not tricked into the program - my account was terminated. With my 3 Silver Members, my matrix was practically paid for if they gave me the 2 referrals in their Find 2 Get 2 program like they promised - they said it could take 2 months. Nothing worked automatically like they said. I became worried about people signing up under me and blaming me.

    Some people cannot afford to be in the hole for 2-3 months, it should be more clear. They shouldn't suggest in their comp plan that you should strive to get 3 Silver referrals. With 3 Silver referrals and 51 trial members, I would still be at a loss for $10 first month, a loss of $20 second month, and a loss of $1.25 in the 3rd month when they finally make their first payout to me. Keep in mind that I would only be able to recoup most of my money by the 3rd month because of my referral bonuses. Not everyone can get 3 upgrades in their first month and 51 trial members. If you cannot, then you will be at a loss into your 4th-6th month. People who cannot pay out of pocket that many times may just find themselves having to forfeit their prior subscriptions - $10 is not a lot here where I live but people from all over are looking for real incomes from the internet.

    The CEO's response - "And our program is not for people, who cannot afford $10. I have never read anything about a concern for poorer people in other countries." Perhaps it should be more clear that it is not for poor people.

  11. #39
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I take it from the repeat posting you're pretty upset about this.

    I guess the motivational material that is supposed to come with the deal isn't working for you either

  12. #40
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    Be Motivated Today and Arnfried Klein-Werner Scam

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I take it from the repeat posting you're pretty upset about this.

    I guess the motivational material that is supposed to come with the deal isn't working for you either
    Well I had already put in the work and actually had enough people and resources to make it work for me. I just didn't like how the program was really going to hurt some people financially - mainly those that can't afford the long wait. I averaged a new silver member every week for 3 weeks. Then I discovered how deceiving it was and stopped promoting to focus on helping those that I brought in.

    Their CEO is such a fraud. He messed up and leaked out some of my private info and takes a week to apologizes but goes on to lecture me. Then he has the nerve to tell me I'm rude for not thanking him for a late apology and lecturing me. I guess you can do that when you are disguised as a motivational speaker and place a nice comment before your condescending ones. Very not happy and their motivational materials are all outdated and randomly collected from all over.

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    Dave A (27-May-11)

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