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Thread: Children get first mobile at average age of 8

  1. #21
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    I'm in agreement with chatmaster. a "big brother" system is invasive to the extreme. that's when technology becomes the problem. an example of this kind of control would be the movie "equilibrium." they were given drugs so they wouldn't show emotions. those who showed emotions were burnt alive. and with any system of control, there will never be 100%. people rebel, people react, people neglect... it's just how it works. the thing with mxit is the anonymity and the distance. you can be 50KM away and tell a guy what you really think about him. you can set your number to be anonymous, and attempt to get the person you added into drugs. I will add someone with an anonymous phone number tell them that unless they have a phone no shown, I won't chat and then delete them. just because there is too much bull with the anonymous people. the technology has been created to meet one purpose, but due to the way they operate, it can serve as multiple. it doesn't mean they want it to happen any more than the victim wants it to. but people will be people, end of story.

  2. #22
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    I hope you are not serious about that suggestion! "I am"

    "If government would even think of doing this, I am out of here, seriously! There is no way any government will deprive me of my privacy like that, Yeezzzzz I hope you are not serious about that suggestion."

    When I pointed out the tracking system I took in consecration that parents are anything but responsible. I considered the criminal aspect the criminal mind and the failing law systems. I even took into consideration that yes the only privacy we will have will be in our minds.

    But absolute safety will come at a price. We will have to give up privacy and allow our bodies to be monitored for drugs, alcohol and physical abuse 24 7. But right now we are paying for our privacy with the lives of innocence.

    Yes it is true that this system itself can and will imprison us all. However we are already slaves to the system. We work for Companies that see us as a disposable commodity. We live to feed the banks money and go home every-night irritated and frustrated.

    So we are left with two options: One: We change the world we live in. Second: we give up our right to privacy and allow for a monetary system that will control every single aspect of our lives from cradle to grave.

    I personally like option “One” more but to change the world we must do things like work together and stand up against corrupted industry... I just don’t see this happening....

  3. #23
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    you didn't happen to be in Durban just before 2000 shouting the end of the world is nigh when the Y2K bug came out, did you? because you're seriously paranoid.

  4. #24
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    Smile twinscythe12332

    Y2K was a joke. No I don’t belief in doom and gloom. I do however belief that our law systems is failing. Our government is mismanaged and our social structure is crippled because we are simply overworked. So yes turn me into the slave that I am!

    I will work for food and water and to see my children be given these same two basic rights will give me joy. I am happy to live in a complex owned by government and or Industry.

    I just want to live a life. Any life! But to work endlessly only to see the once you love lost in criminal shadows is not worth it. To work day and night just so that the banks can take it all and watch me suffer is not worth it.

    But again there are those that have a good healthy life and I can see why they will fight to protect that. But that good healthy life is only for a select few no matter how hard you work. I am old enough to know that this is fact.

  5. #25
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Wow insulin, you're pretty passionate about your views here! No doubt your gonna take the "passionate posts" award end of year!

    I gotta say though (just an opinion, same as i value your opinion all be it i might have a different one!) that the thought of a controlling government is what is getting us in so much cuck already. Giving them more control... i don't care where in the world but it really mess up the planet! In governments, especially Africa, corruption rules. Giving them power over my living.. lets just say i would take up the good fight of resistance (and agreed they control to much already). Option one as you say is the way - but once we give up the fight for that, what do we have left? Nothing!

    Crime is here because we dont have our freedom! We cant hire people under certain conditions, we cant prosecute because of stupid laws, constitutional and other, we give people a life without expecting in return (houses, free water) , we cant take action against crime without fear of the law.

    Reckon i could on and on but i want more freedom!

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  7. #26
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    Wink Convergent has too much power.

    First of I will always respect any person and there point of view. And despite my view I would much rather write a bit of poetry and or a new novel. Really I don’t like to think like this all the time. Sadly the truth is we are really just puppets you know. We have to do what law and government say or we face imprisonment and the most basic right! The right to a safe incarceration is being violated by none other than the government themselves. They will ignore the prison rapes, slavery and brutal treatment because they have the power to do just that.

    We gave them that power. In a movie called V for Vendetta it was said that a government must fear its people. We are no longer respected by our government. I can prove this by pointing to the CCMA that will rather tell you to contact a TV show then to help you. Then there is the Consumer Council that is basically powerless to help victims of commercial industry.

    Lastly our poor police stations, underfunded corrupted and basically incapable to serve and protect. Just take a look at the media and crime.

    Now technology can aid a good government to implement good systems beneficial systems that will aid to end corruption and crime. This type of technology will also aid a corrupted government in total enslavement.

    The technology is not the problem. It is the people that use it…

  8. #27
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    apologies if I seemed disrespectful. I've just seen you move along from topic to topic speaking about the topic and then moving into an emapssioned speech about how we're slaves to the government and banking institutions. while I do understand and feel that your views are important, and that in the end everything relates to money, a bit more topic specific would be cool (we've moved from talking about cellphones and kids to government corruption 0_0) anyway, my 2 cents.

  9. #28
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Ok. Let's not get personal, please. Stick to the points of the debate and we'll all still be friends at the end of the day.

    We've all got different views and they come from different life experiences. Let's remember it's all valid!

  10. #29
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    I can understand and respect what you are saying. And yes I am totally of topic. I will only say this. Don’t give your child a mobile phone because you trust the child. Don’t blame the mobile chat programs for kidnapping because a mobile phone is not a symbol of trust it is a tool for your child to use when he or she is in trouble.

    Secondly mobile chat programs can be abused because we did not force the government to exercise control over these chat systems. Blame the companies because they don’t want to install the systems needed so that you the parent can read the chat transcripts via e-mail.

    Lastly take responsibility to teach your children the dangers of the mobile phone. Respect your child by giving them the truth. Trust your child because your child trust in you. No symbols of trust just simple trust. And please be vigilant and attentive and always be on the lookout for possible danger. They are your most beautiful and wonderful gift you will ever receive in your life so love them with all their mistakes.

  11. #30
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    I also wish to apologise if I offended anyone. It was never my intention to do so. I wish only to educate and be educated by you.

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