Well first lesson immediately we arrived back.
Entrance to training center has a very small garden approx 1.2 meter x 1.5 meter right at our front door.
As tiny as it was I had landscaped it, on our return the centerpiece: a cycad had been stolen, (obviously no-one was responsible for that) nor did we even ask who knew anything about it!
But - the weeds were approx 80 cm high and looked dreadful.
Not a single member who walked past it every day! felt any responsibility and in fact acted hurt that we felt it should have been attended to!
One bright spark suggested in future if we want something like this attended to we should send a memo, or it should be included in someone's job responsibiltiies.
A small issue, but to my mind a big indication of the problems involved in maintaining standards representative of how we want our branding of our company to "remain" - not to develop - just to maintain!
Giving shares and offering commissions has not indicated any more desire for profitability and success as the previous attitude of doing a job for a salary (Always considered insufficient). So I now believe it is going to be harded to achieve "remote control" than envisaged. Wish I had sufficient capital to have CCTV throughout the premises.
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