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Thread: The art of engineering

  1. #1
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    The art of engineering

    I've just posted a new entry on my blog about the art in engineering! (a new post is always an achievement for me )

    For me the art of engineering is so much more than just creativity - it is something that goes to the core of function, aesthetics, and problem solving. I believe that we as engineers need to create solutions that actually enhance people's lives. The point where all of this comes together is the point were we as engineers can start to be artists.

    Read the full post on the Engineer Simplicity Blog
    [SIGPIC]Engineer Simplicity[/SIGPIC]
    Turn ideas into products | The Art of Engineering blog

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Well done, Duncan. I think this is particularly sage advice:

    A final thought - take the time to be an artist at what you do. This will enhance the lives of the people around you, and most importantly your own life, and the ripple effect of that is huge.
    A good read. Now to think of some examples to post a comment on your blog

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