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Thread: Witchcraft used as a political weapon

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    Witchcraft used as a political weapon

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I'm trying to figure out exactly what Tokyo Sexwale's problem is here.

  3. #3
    Email problem Superscenic's Avatar
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    This may seem off topic, but I think it speaks to the behavior of clowns like these.

    Too many ANC figures are drunk on the successes of Mandela and their own press. Many of these idiots rose to power on the backs of the efforts of activists abroad and locally who have since become disillusioned and insulted to say the least.

    I think a lot of the ANC and now COPE still think of themselves as owners of the "Struggle" franchise and even icons of "Blackness".

    I think that in reality the ANC's constant use of the word "Black" to make their corrupt decisions seem righteous has had a detrimental effect on global racism. Becoming another African cliche and fueling global racist sentiment with what right wing activists can now quote as "proof of the inevitable corruption and decay" wrought by Africans. When in fact the real issue is and has always been not race but corruption itself.

    The true struggle belongs to the new generation of young SA professionals who are literate and educated and are tired of the old refrain.

    I do however have keen interest in purchasing a manual on Practical Witchcraft for the enterprising South African. Judging by the amount of witchcraft employed in politics nowadays I feel Sangoma's definitely need to bring out an E-book.

    Spells I am interested in:
    "Spells to cure evil politicians"
    "The ultimate truth serum, Muti for public speakers"

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Beware the women scorned

    The women of COPE hit back.
    Senior African National Congress (ANC) member Tokyo Sexwale is a "destitute follower of the ANC" and a "defeated man", the Congress of the People's (Cope) women's forum in the Eastern Cape said on Tuesday.

    The political mud-slinging which began at rallies this weekend has not let up since Sexwale berated the newly formed party for "parading 'old women' on TV, using them as witchcraft to attract support".

    Cope has launched an official complaint against the politician-turned-businessman with the Commission for Gender Equality.

    Its women's forum described the ANC as a "party based on fallacy".

    "We as women of Cope in the Eastern Cape feel that remarks made by destitute follower of the ANC, Mr Sexwale, are echoes of no substance, of a defeated man.

    "Making reference to witchcraft in the same context or same sentence ... as women of Cope just reaffirms that the ANC and its unlettered followers is a party based on a fallacy. I wonder what that says about their manifesto, maybe another folktale," said spokesperson Zanele Pantshwa-Maqabuka.

    Pantshwa-Maqabuka said Sexwale's comments were an indication of how the ANC felt about women in the country.
    full story from M&G here
    Interesting little counter by COPE on the intellectual front in that report too

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